Monday, February 28, 2011

'Twilight' Director Tackles 'Red Riding Hood' a Dark Tale of Danger and Deception

Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the original “Twilight” film now tackles “Red Riding Hood,” bringing to the screen a cautionary tale of danger and deception.

Hardwicke notes it’s the fairytale’s more sinister roots that lend themselves perfectly to a fantasy thriller. “Most of us grew up with a sanitized version of Red Riding Hood, but the original fairy tale has darker elements that make it much more intriguing. The idea of a girl going into the woods by herself and having a wolf stalking her and then speaking to her… That holds so much mystery and captures your imagination on so many levels. When you were a child, the story might have meant one thing to you, but looking back on it as a teenager or adult, you respond to it in a completely different way.”

In the film, Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is caught between two handsome suitors: Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), her heart’s desire since childhood, and Henry (Max Irons), the man her parents have chosen for her to marry. Unwilling to be parted, Valerie and Peter were planning to run away together, but, in a horrifying instant, the wolf changes everything.

The implicit message of the Red Riding Hood fable is: don’t talk to strangers. But what if the wolf turns out to be someone you know…someone you trust…someone you love? Producer Jennifer Davisson Killoran observes, “The story plays into our fears that someone close is not really who they appear to be. To me, the big, bad wolf represents the anxiety of not knowing who you’re really dealing with.”

Putting a twist on the classic tale, the predator in the film is a werewolf, giving it the guise of a human until a full moon illuminates its true nature. Building on that premise, screenwriter David Leslie Johnson crafted a murder mystery in which everyone is a possible suspect and the resulting terror and paranoia permeates an entire community.

Killoran confirms, “Virtually every single character has that moment where you lose faith in them. We very consciously designed it so that anyone could be the wolf.”

“I think David did a beautiful job,” states Hardwicke. “He dove into the genesis of the legend to get at the essence of it. And then he added his own fertile imagination to the mix and really enriched the story.”

Johnson says, “I did a lot of research into how the fable had changed as it was passed down, depending on the time and place. Long before it was tied up in a nice little bow and presented as a fairy tale, it contained some graphic and rather disturbing details and the ending wasn’t quite so pat. I liked the idea of expanding on the story’s origins to generate more danger, suspense and adventure.”

The combination of young love, suspense and ancient legend immediately appealed to Hardwicke, who recalls, “As I read the script, I got very excited because it took place in a fantasy world but had a dark side. It was a thriller with unexpected turns as well as a compelling love story, which also held some surprises for me. I was really pulled in as the stakes kept getting higher, and more and more secrets and lies were unraveled.”

For the producers, the choice of Catherine Hardwicke to direct “Red Riding Hood” was an easy one. Killoran attests, “Catherine has demonstrated an ability to tap into the soul of younger audiences in a way that few others can. It’s evident in all her films; they are never condescending or stereotypical. There is something very honest in the way she conveys how teenagers communicate, how they think and how they look at the world.”

Seyfried agrees. “You want a director who brings that much enthusiasm and excitement to the table. She just loves making movies and has so much imagination. When we were in pre-production, she showed me drawings and photos and videos she had put together, which really helped me understand the different facets of my character. She truly is the most creative director I’ve ever worked with.”

Opening across the Philippines on March 11, “Red Riding Hood” is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

Update: Charlie Sheen's Still Got a Piss Poor Attitude

Charlie Sheen may have single-handedly caused the cancellation of the four episodes left for this season of Two and a Half Men, but Warner Bros. Television wants to assure everyone not to fret: the crew will still get paid for the episodes that they would have worked on, had they not been cancelled.

But don't worry, Charlie is still a big ol' d-bag.  He's been having a jolly good time, running around to any/every news source willing to listen to him rant and rave, chain-smoking all the while.

Watch the following video to see how many cigarettes Charlie Sheen can smoke in just one minute!

With Charlie's unstoppable media rampage, it's not surprising that his longtime publicist, Stan Rosenfield, has announced his resignation. But on the bright side, the wise being known as Spencer Pratt told TMZ that he'd be happy to step in as Sheen's publicist.  All for the low, low price of $FREE.99!!  Wow, Spence, you've done so well for yourself and Heidi "Clown Boobs" Pratt Montag, that I'm sure you could take Charlie's situation and turn it right around!

Watch the following video to see the big reveal of  Charlie Sheen's drug test results, proving that he's been clean for THREE WHOLE DAYS!!! Wow, big win for Charlie!  Big win, indeed.

Lady GaGa Pulls Foreign Object From Vajeen, Surprises No One.

Lady GagMe's music video for 'Born This Way' premiered earlier today.  In other words, she has cursed the world with yet another amazingly long string of her very own fecal matter.  And the icing on the poo cake is: the video is even more terrible than it is lengthy.

Spoiler Alert: GagMe's 'Born This Way' look is out of this world:
Looks like somebody is trying out for the next Star Trek movie.  Get excited, Trekkies!

This (supposedly) new video is reminiscent of GaGa's 'Alejandro' video.  Both videos are extremely self-indulgently long; and both videos include excessively long introductions, adding to their general torture (this video's intro is a whopping 2min, 30sec long).  The intro alone was enough to make me consider ending my life.  'BTW' also includes the same bit featured in 'Alejandro,' where Skeletor dances in her bra and underwear, showcasing her bulimia, hideous hair, and even more hideous face.  At least 'Alejandro' had a decent song behind it to drag viewers' carcasses through to the end of the video.  That's something this new video cannot claim.  'BTDubs' is an awful song, and now we've got this awful video to match.

All of this leaves me extremely puzzled.  Lady GaGa seems to put all of her energy into convincing the world (and herself) that she is unique... So why is this just more of the same?  Why must she keep trying so hard to shock the world with her ugliness?  We get it, Gags, you're ugly!  At this point, I see only two options left for you: stop trying so hard, or simply go away.   

I don't know why anyone would want to subject themselves to watching this video, but I suffered through it, and misery loves company, so go ahead and watch it.  It's a painstakingly-long 7 minutes and 20 seconds, so beware.


I told you it was terrible.  And what's up with GaGa's face?  She's been wearing some sort of weird, bony-looking facial thing lately.  Hmm.  I'm pretty sure you weren't born that way, Lady Ug-o.

Charlie Sheen interview on GMA - plans to sue CBS - VIDEO

It was not enough for Charlie Sheen to rant on the Today show, but he also paid a visit to ABC’s Good Morning America this morning to talk about his drug addiction, love of porn stars, and his plans to sue CBS.

All we can say is this is vintage Charlie. Enjoy!

Watch Charlie on ABC Good Morning America

Video - Charlie Sheen on Bizarre Today Show Interview

Charlie Sheen made his first television appearance since all of his recent problems erupted, and it was the most bizarre thing we have ever seen.

Sheen sat down with NBC’s Jeff Rossen on the Today Show and what followed was the most embarrassing thing Sheen has ever done. His handlers should have done whatever they had to do to keep him of the tube – but alas, Charlie will be Charlie.

Sheen talked about his show being cancelled, his drug use, his kids, violence against women, depression, and his war with CBS and the executives he claims are trying to destroy his family. It was an epic fail for Uncle Charley.

First off, Sheen looked like he has been rode hard and put away wet. He rambles on in a manic way that tells us that he is not 100% on his game even though he thinks he is.

The big shockers?

Sheen thinks Chuck Lorre and staff owe him a huge public apology and that they should be licking his feet. He feels he just wants to be this “amazing rock star” that he knows he is, and that people just need to accept his incredible worldly talent and crazy adult lifestyle.

On Alcoholics Anonymous he says it is a silly book written by a broken down fool who plagiarized.

Charlie also says he would only return to “Two and a Half Men” if he got a raise – because he believes he is just that good and thinks he is underpaid.
Sheen said he has never been drunk or high on the set but admits that several times he was hung-over.

He admits he’s tired of pretending he is not special, like a bitch’n rock star from Mars, and that people can’t process his greatness with their “normal brains.”

When asked if he was angry about what has happened he told Rossen,

"Well I'm not angry, I'm passionate. It's like everybody thinks I should be begging for my job back and I'm just gonna forewarn them that it's everybody else that's going to be begging me for their job back."

Rossen then asked Charley what he would say to Chuck Lorre if he was watching, and Sheen produced index cards with some very loaded, and strange, questions.

When asked how he will keep from slipping back to drugs and addictions he said,

“I just won’t do it. I will not believe that if I do something then I have to follow it with a certain path because it was written for normal people, people that aren’t special, that don’t have tiger blood and Adonis DNA.”

Wow. Really?

Watch Charlie Sheen Today Show Interview

You can hear is radio outbursts that started all this, and cost him his show last week in our story here.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscars Auto-Tune Music Video Mash-Up


As expected, The King's Speech reigned over everything else... Natalie Portman danced her way to an Oscar, Colin Firth overcame a speech impediment for an Oscar, both Christian Bale and Melissa Leo fought for their Oscars...

Our Little Paris Hilton is All Growns Up

Paris has been making the rounds lately, talking all about her upcoming reality show, The World According to Paris*, which is set to premiere at some point in time this spring, on the Oxygen Network.  As we all know, Oxygen has THE classiest reality programming around.  (Bad Girls Club, holla atcha gurl!) 

Of her time on The Simple Life, Pare-Bear stated that her true personality was not shown, but that she
"was playing a character [she] kind of invented"
Who knew that, all this time, Paris was secretly some kind of genius method actress?! Well, get excited, because we may FINALLY get to see that side of her! Princess Paris herself(!) declared that NOW is "the perfect time to do a show like [The World According to Paris]," because, at the ripe old age of 30, she feels "grown-up and excited about life" and ready to reveal "the real Paris"  Well, P.Hil, if you say so, then I believe you.

This new series will show our girl, Paree along with: bestie-for-now Brooke Mueller (Charlie Sheen's deranged estranged wife), some nobody who formerly dated Fred Durst (who is, himself, generally unimportant),  Allison Melnick (a self nightlife promoter), and Mommy Dearest, Kathy Hilton.  But the question still remains: DOES ANYBODY CARE?  And the answer is: No.  No, they most certainly do not.

Paris' first reality show, The Simple Life, was only entertaining because her pal, Nicole Richie is a riot, and carried Paris' limp, lifeless body on her back.  That's not what good friends do, Paris.  Nicole Richie is tiny, weighing 90 lbs. at most.  Paris Hilton, on the other hand, is a cow, weighing a whopping 100 lbs.**  Fatty.

Paris' other reality show, My New BFF, was not entertaining at all, so we can only wait and see how this new show turns out.  Oh, wait! - Remember when Paris Hilton was an ultra-talented singer?  Yeah, me neither. 

At the end of the day, news that Paris has a new reality show just around the bend, only serves as yet another unwanted reminder that this wonky-eyed, over-accessorized beast is still walking the earth.
Robotically, hyper-posedly walking, but walking, nonetheless.
Go Get 'em, Tiger!

The Oxygen Network has been so kind as to gift us with the following super-exciting SNEAK PEEK, in which Paris gets a real, live pony! OMG!!!!!
Now that is real stuff.  Thanks for showing us the REAL YOU, Paris!!
Love you forever, xoxoxo.

*As of now, the show has been given the title of The World According to Paris.  But Oxygen did consider these titles: Wonky-Eyed Over-Privileged Beast and If You Can Afford Every Accessory You See, By All Means, Wear Them ALL At Once ...But alas, these were both too lengthy to be considered workable titles.***

**I am not a medical professional, and thus have no real qualifications for estimating the weight of these obese cows.

***To the best of my knowledge, Oxygen never actually considered these titles.  I made that up.  I'm sorry.


The Last Airbender 'won' the most Razzies... 'good' for M Night... *dripping with sarcasm*

Saturday, February 26, 2011

SNEAK PEEK: Kim Katrall in 'Meet Monica Velour'

Take a sneak peek on Kim Catrall's (Sex and the City) upcoming movie "Meet Monica Velour":

You've Got a Piss Poor Attitude, Charlie Sheen

And you're making Jon Cryer cry.  Not a nice thing to do to your on-screen bro.  I thought men were all about the whole "bros before hoes" thing, but not Charlie Sheen.  He is ALL about dem hoes.

Personally, I absolutely despise Two and a Half Men, and I cannot, for the life of me, understand how it could possibly be TV's number one comedy.  Everything about the show is the complete opposite of funny, yet the studio audience is queued up to laugh after EVERY SINGLE line.  It's just overkill, and clearly the show is written for the hoards of idiots who have no idea what funny is.  Thus, they need a studio audience to let them know exactly when they should laugh.  Wretched.  Just wretched.

That being said, I still find it unkind of Charlie Sheen to bring down this entire show, just so he can bang a few hooks and snort some blow.  He is affecting the lives of everyone working on this god awful show, and it's just mean.  Charlie Sheen, you're a meany!  Take that!

The show has been cancelled for the rest of this season, which may turn into forever, once Charlie Sheen rolls down a ditch he can't crawl out of.  I think the Powers-That-Be should bring Emilio Estevez in to play Charlie's part.  What have YOU been doing since The Breakfast Club The Mighty Ducks?  Hmm, Emilio?  WHAT?!  Nothing.  Might as well be nothing.  Step up, son! 

It's About to be a....GIRLFIGHT!

I love a good cat fight.  So, news that Rihanna and Ciara have recently busted out their ghetto claws?  Music to my ears.

Apparently, Ciara was on E!'s Fashion Police last night.  (Side note: Joan Rivers is my idol.)  Ciara and Joany were going off on an outfit recently worn by Rihanna.  Then, CiCi decided to throw in a comment about Rihanna not being the friendliest gal, saying "I ran into her recently at a party, and she wasn't the nicest, and it's crazy because I've always loved and respected what she's done with fashion and I ran into her before but this time it was just, it wasn't the most pleasant run-in."  Umm ok?  I thought this was "Fashion Police", not "Middle School Trash Talk".

Well, RiRi got mad pissed, so she took to her Twitter, as any grown woman should in a case like this, saying:  "My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme"  She also went on to Tweet: "Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of."  To which Ciara responded, "Trust me Rhianna u dont want to see me on or off the stage"

Now, if I were Rihanna, I'm sure I would've shot back with something like, "DUH I don't wanna see you on no stage! Girrrl you stank!"  But no... Rihanna's people just HAD to jump in and handle the situation, forcing her to do the lady-like thing and Tweet this apology: "Ciara baby, I love u girl! U hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's y I retaliated this way! So sorry! #letsmakeup"

Ciara Responded in kind, accepting Ri's apology with this simple tweet: "Rhi u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows/everything. you threw me off in that party! Apology accepted. Let's chat in person." And just like that, they're friends again!  Stories like this just warm my heart.
Awwwww, Twoo Fwends!

I would like to mention that anyone who dresses like Ciara should NOT be allowed on Fashion Police.

Wonder Woman on crack.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jennifer Lopez - 'On the Floor' Music Video

'Never Let Me Go' - Movie Poster and Trailer

I'm Naming Names: A Rant.

And the name is : TAYLOR SWIFT.

I'm sorry, I just have to get this off my chest: Sometimes I feel that I am the only one in the world who hates Taylor Swift.  But then I remember that I am not alone in this fight.  I, along with many weary souls, have grown so tired of that curly-haired, beady-eyed, awkward girl.

What's there to like about her?  Nothing.
Kisses! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Her performances are both awkward and terrible. She can't hit a single note to save her life, and she makes me want to end mine.

She's still harping on the fact that she "names names," but I have news for you, T-Sweezy: NO ONE CARES.  It wasn't unique when you started, and now it's just old and tired.

Why must you continue to beat that dead horse, year after terrible year?  HAVE YOU NO SOUL?

Shame on you, Taylor, shame, shame, shame on you!  You have shamed me greatly, and if your family were Asian, they would also be terribly ashamed.

Dear Taylor: even just thinking about you has ruined Sally Jessy Raphael's birthday almost entirely for me. But I will NOT let you take this special, special day from me!

Happy Freakin' Birthday, Sally Jessy Raphael!

For my first post, I wanted to write something especially profound and meaningful. 

Confucius Say:
"Dah mos' profound ting in ryfe arr mos' short."

Thus, for maximum impactfulness, I will keep this post short and sweet:

Today is February 25, so I just want to wish a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sally Jessy Raphael. Happy freakin' birthday, you cantankerous old coot! I hope you're smiling down on us from heaven, still rockin' those huge red frames.**

Here's a picture to honor your memory:

Check YOU out, hot mama!

 *Confucius has never been recorded as saying this. But far be it for me, to claim that I am absolutely positive that he never said these wise words.

**As of today, Sally Jessy Raphael is still among the living.  According to Wikipedia, she is currently residing in Dutchess County, New York, where she still hosts The Sally Jessy Raphael Show inside her crazy, deranged mind.***

***Wikipedia did not make any such claims as to the status of Sally Jessy Raphael's current talk show hosting jobs, nor her crazy, deranged state of mind.

Trailer - On Stranger Tides

The fourth Pirates of the Caribbean... no longer featuring Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom... Penelope Cruz is in this one instead...

Charlie Sheen Fired – CBS Cancels Two and a Half Men

CBS and Executive Producer Chuck Lorre pulled the plug on the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men yesterday after Sheen went on several insane rants on the radio and in writing.

It started when Sheen called in to the “Alex Jones Show” and slammed CBS, Lorre, and others around him. Sheen calls Lorre a “turd”, slammed Alcoholics Anonymous, and called Thomas Jefferson a pussy. You can listen to Charlie’s rant here.

But there was more. Charlie proceeded to trash everything in earshot and was frequently unintelligible – ranting about trolls, warriors, F-18 Fighters, and the mysterious Vatican Assassins.

Things did not stop there. After executive producer Chuck Lorre and the brass at CBS heard Sheens comments they immediately stepped in and cancelled Two and a Half Men for the rest of the season.

Charlie Sheen then produced an “open letter” that truly shows the depths of the actor’s problems. Charlie ranted in his letter:

What does this say about Haim Levine [Chuck Lorre] after he tried to use his words to judge and attempt to degrade me. I gracefully ignored this folly for 177 shows ... I fire back once and this contaminated little maggot can't handle my power and can't handle the truth. I wish him nothing but pain in his silly travels especially if they wind up in my octagon. Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words -- imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists. I urge all my beautiful and loyal fans who embraced this show for almost a decade to walk with me side-by-side as we march up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong.

Remember these are my people ... not yours...we will continue on together...

Charlie Sheen

Wow. Charlie is done. He has been dropped from the upcoming “Major League 3” because CEO James Robinson says he cannot risk working with another Lindsay Lohan. Robinson should know – he tried to work with Lohan on Georgia Rules and knows what can happen.

Charlie, put down the crack pipe and hookers and get your life back on track. When the world starts comparing you to Lindsay Lohan you are only moments away from death or jail.

RIP Charlie Sheen, the world really liked you there for a while.

Thia Megia vs. Jessica Cunningham for the Last Slot on American Idol Top 24

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

'Real Steel' Trailer

Watch the trailer of "Real Steel" starring Hugh Jackman after the jump...

Darren Criss & Lea Michele - Don't You Want Me - Glee

'Hall Pass' - Movie Poster & Trailer

A new comedy from the Farrelly brothers, “Hall Pass” stars Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis as married buddies whose wives grant them a week-long vacation from marriage, no questions asked...with interesting results.

In the film, best friends Rick and Fred (Wilson and Sudeikis) have both been married for a long time. They love their wives, but, like some guys, just can’t help checking out every other woman who crosses their paths.
Fed up with this habitual rubber-necking, their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages by granting their husbands a “hall pass”: one week of freedom to do whatever they want, no questions asked. Seven days to see exactly what it is out there they think they’re missing…or stop looking once and for all.

At first, it sounds like a dream come true for Rick and Fred. But they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life—and themselves—are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.

The film also stars Richard Jenkins as the guys’ old friend and perpetual bachelor, Coakley.

“Hall Pass” is directed and produced by Peter Farrelly & Bobby Farrelly, from a screenplay by Pete Jones & Peter Farrelly & Kevin Barnett & Bobby Farrelly, story by Pete Jones.

The Farrellys’ approach was “Neither pro- or anti-hall pass,” says Peter. “We just thought about where it might lead and tried to be fair to the concept, its pitfalls and rewards. It’s not a story about being unhappily married; it’s just about being married and questioning aloud the kinds of things that people sometimes wonder about, like what would happen if you went down that road.”

Opening soon across the Philippines, “Hall Pass” is a New Line Cinema presentation to be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

Box Office

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spotlight on Amanda Seyfried of the Fantasy Thriller 'Red Riding Hood'

 One of today’s most sought-after young actresses, Amanda Seyfriedplays the central character of Valerie in Warner Bros.’ new fantasy thriller “Red Riding Hood” whose signature red cloak gives the story its name.

 In the film, Valerie is caught between two handsome suitors: Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), her heart’s desire since childhood, and Henry (Max Irons), the man her parents have chosen for her to marry. Questions about the identity of the murderlous werewolf on the loose make her choice a matter of not only the heart but of life or death. Further complicating things, she has an encounter with the wolf and is shocked to learn they have a unique and very personal connection.
“The love triangle makes it more interesting because Valerie doesn’t know who to trust,” Seyfried says. “She loves Peter, but she is suddenly noticing little nuances about him that make her start to wonder. Could the love of her life be the werewolf? And she is also developing a closer relationship with Henry and sees what a good man he is, but questions arise about him as well. She has to figure out if what she wants is what she needs.”
Director Catherine Hardwicke (“Twilight”) says that Seyfried immediately came to mind in casting the part of Valerie. “From the first time I saw Amanda, I knew she was something special,” Hardwicke affirms. “She had everything we needed for the character, especially because Valerie is not a classic damsel in distress. Amanda is tough, she’s sexy, she’s funny, she’s vulnerable—she has it all. And the way she looks is straight out of a fairy tale. She has an ethereal quality, with the most amazing eyes that just draw you in.”
In turn, Seyfried says that this new take on an old fairy tale is what drew her in. “I don’t know anyone who didn’t read Red Riding Hood growing up, so it was cool to take a story we all know and have some fun with it. The thriller aspect was exciting to me, and the medieval setting made it feel gothic and added to the romance.”
Valerie is, at once, at the apex of the film’s romantic triangle and also directly connected to the mystery of the werewolf. When it becomes apparent that the beast is someone close to her, Valerie is given reason to question everyone in her life. “As the story unfolds, she is trying to figure out who it could be, based on the signs she’s been given,” Seyfried explains. “It’s terrifying for her because, at different points, she has cause to suspect everybody.”
Hardwicke adds, “Paranoia starts to creep in as Valerie starts seeing little details she hadn’t noticed before, and now they are taking on new meaning. Her entire life she has seen her family and friends in one light, and suddenly things have shifted, causing shadows of doubt.”

Seyfried is well known for her multi-faceted performance, showcasing both her acting and singing skills, in the international blockbuster “Mamma Mia!.” Seyfried starred with Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnanin the musical, which was released in Summer 2008 and went on to gross more than $600 million globally.
In 2010, Seyfried starred in three very different films, most recently including Gary Winick’s romantic comedy “Letters to Juliet,” withVanessa Redgrave and Gael Garcia Bernal. She also starred opposite Channing Tatum in the romantic drama “Dear John,” based on the Nicholas Sparks bestseller and directed by Lasse Hallström; and “Chloe,” an Atom Egoyan-directed thriller in which she co-starred with Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson.
Opening across the Philippines on March 11, “Red Riding Hood” is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

Earth is Under Attack in 'World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles'

In Columbia Pictures’ new sci-fi action-thriller “World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles,” earth is under attack from unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the world’s great cities fall, Los Angeles represents the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected.

For years, there have been documented cases of UFO sightings – Buenos Aires in 1965, Seoul in 1983, France, Germany, China – but all of these had official stories that covered up and dismissed these inexplicable events. For example, on the night of February 24-25, 1942, with America on nationwide alert following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Angelenos were wakened to air raid sirens. The 37th Coast Artillery Brigade fired anti-aircraft shells at the flying craft over Santa Monica – some flying very slowly, and others estimated to be traveling as fast as 200 miles per hour. The shells did no damage to the crafts – only to the city itself. Though there would be several official investigations and conclusions explaining what exactly was in the sky over L.A. that night – weather balloons, etc. – it has even been suggested that secret government documents exist that show a divided opinion among military experts.
“I love how the real-life event just grounds the movie,” says producer Ori Marmur. “For the film, we decided that all previous UFO sightings, including that one, were scouting missions… gearing up for the coming invasion by unknown forces.”

“`World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles’ is the exact type of movie I love to go to the theater to see, and dreamed of directing,” says Jonathan Liebesman, who helms the story of one small group of people who find themselves taking on an unimaginable foe.

Screenwriter Chris Bertolini says that when he first struck upon the idea that would become the film, he sought to merge two of his favorite kinds of stories. “I wanted to take a story in which otherworldly beings are here on Earth and a story about individuals, where you’re seeing the battle from the POV of the guys on the ground,” he says. “I got into the idea that the story would follow a small group of guys and the audience would experience everything as they experience it.”

Bertolini’s spec screenplay was first spotted by producer Neal H. Moritz, who has vast experience with action films and saw the potential in the story. “What really stood out for me about this screenplay was that it was the point of view of one small group of people in an alien invasion. I love the specificity of that,” says Moritz. “It’s an inside look at a group of young men and women, all going through different struggles in their lives, who are out there trying to protect their country against an invading alien force.”

Aaron Eckhart leads the cast as Staff Sergeant Nantz, a career Marine who is “pretty burnt out,” he says. On the brink of retirement, he is pressed back into service. “He’s leading a bunch of young Marines into a battle with aliens in L.A. He’s doing it reluctantly, but that’s just the type of hero that I love to watch.”

Michelle Rodriguez plays Elena Santos, who becomes a key ally for Nantz and his platoon. “She sees everything go off on the radars,” she says. Once the platoon finds itself battling unknown forces, “she is one of the first on the scene to track them down and find out what they are and how they tick.” The cast is rounded out by Ramon Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Grammy-winning R&B artist Ne-Yo, and Michael Peña.

Opening soon across the Philippines, “World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles” is distributed by Columbia Pictures, local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International.

Fun Facts on the Making of 'Mars Needs Moms'

Produced by the team behind “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and “The Polar Express,” “Mars Needs Moms” showcases nine-year-old Milo’s (Seth Green) quest to save his mom (Joan Cusack) from Martians. What follows is a wild adventure in Disney Digital 3D™ and IMAX® 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader.
Get a load on some fun trivia below on the making of “Mars Needs Moms.”

INSPIRED — Berkeley Breathed is the author and illustrator of the book, “Mars Needs Moms.” The story was inspired by a particular moment of disagreement that took place between his son and wife. For the lead character, the book and film adopted the same name as Breathed’s son: Milo.

According to Breathed: “The movie would not exist if not for a single plate of broccoli left uneaten at the Breathed dinner table on August 10, 2006. That led a real Milo, 5, screaming The Unthinkable at a real mom, leaving her in tears... and leaving me to explain to a stewing son how he might feel if the mother he claimed he didn't love might suddenly disappear via -- I was grasping-- Martians. I wrote the book that night. Five years later, the real Milo will watch as kids around the planet will see the creative, happy, hopeful result of one of his life's darkest moments.”

HE’S NO EXTRA — Berkeley Breathed and his wife hung out on the movie set a couple of times. Breathed even performed as a body extra on one occasion, standing in as a crowd member.

BOLLYWOOD GOES TO MARS — On the last day of production, the cast, crew, stunt people, caterers, utility players, filmmakers— essentially everybody— shot a rousing, choreographed Bollywood-style musical performance to the 'Mad Martian Mo-cap Mambo' that Composer John Powell wrote for the moment in the movie when Milo and Gribble interrupt the Hairy Tribe Guys' celebration. The number is featured in the end credits of the film.

 I CAN FLY — Seth Green spent three-quarters of the movie in a flying harness to simulate low gravity. Joan Cusack also had to perform her surface-of-Mars scenes in a harness alongside Green. “Coordinating the two of them led to a lot of hilarity,” says director Simon Wells.

To allow Seth to move in low-gravity anywhere in the volume, Garrett Warren and his team devised one of the most complex flying pulley systems ever created for a motion picture.

The producers wouldn’t let director Simon Wells take a turn in the flying rig until shooting had wrapped. When it finally happened, says Wells, stunt coordinator and second unit director Garrett Warren did his level best to make him motion sick.

KUNG-FU EARTHMEN — Between takes Seth Green and Dan Fogler would act out slow-motion kung-fu fights—with vocals and sound effects! The head-cam team made them a set of Shuriken (Japanese throwing stars) out of Velcro, which—since the costumes were also made out of Velcro (to attach sensors and telemetry gear)—would stick to the actors.

ALIEN CONNECTION—Writers Simon and Wendy Wells, married 23 years, have always had an affinity for sci-fi stories. Simon comes from a well-established line of science fiction authors, and Wendy is still hoping to be abducted by aliens.

THE REAL TRICK TO LOOKING YOUNGER — The magic of performance capture allowed a 35-year-old actor (Seth Green) portray a 9-year-old boy (Milo)!

WONDERFUL WIVES—Both Dan Fogler and Seth Green got married during the making of the movie, although not to each other.

(Opening soon across the Philippines in IMAX 3D, Digital 3D and regular format, “Mars Needs Moms” is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Justin Bieber Shocks the World with New Haircut – Photo

Today may very well be a day that goes down in history – but we hope not.

Justin Bieber has a new haircut.

Today, while filming a music video in L.A. with Rascal Flatts, the Bieb’s gave an exclusive to TMZ with a look at his new haircut.

Monday via Twitter Justin posted,

"Yeah so it's true, I got a lil haircut. I like it and we are giving all the hair cut to charity to auction. Details coming soon."

On TMZ Live today, Bieber said the clipping was done by his regular hairdresser. Justin mentioned he was a little nervous about the cut, but he "wanted to change it up" and he thought the cut was "kind of a mature look."

What do you think of Bieber’s new haircut?

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (also known as Big Momma's House 3) is a comedy film directed by John Whitesell and written by Matthew Fogel and Don Rhymer. The film is the reboot and the second sequel to Big Momma's House (2000) and starring Martin Lawrence reprising his role as FBI agent Malcolm Turner. Jascha Washington declined to reprise his role as Trent Pierce from the first two films, and Brandon T. Jackson replaced him for his role. It was released on February 18, 2011. This is the first Big Momma film to be presented in 2.35:1 widescreen.

Watch the trailer after the jump...


Justin Bieber Scores MVP at the NBA All-Star 2011 Game – Video

If you know anything about Justin Bieber, you know he loves to play basketball.

Bieber did not disappoint at the 2011 NBA All-Star Game last night.

The Biebs worked his rival Scottie Pippen with some amazing moves, including one three pointer that made him look like a pro.

Bieber's celeb teammates included Ty Burrell, Zac Levi, singer Trey Songz, rapper Romeo Miller, Jason Alexander, and Rob Kardashian.

Among other former NBA stars on the West team were Jalen Rose, A.C. Green, Rick Fox, Swin Cash. The West was coached by Magic Johnson and managed by Jimmy Kimmel.

Bieber scored 9 points, 3 rebounds and had 4 assists and impressed the staff enough to win the nights MVP Award.

Who knew the kid had that much game?

Bieber had just landed in L.A. after a thirteen hour flight back from his movie premier for “Never Say Never” in France and had just two hours to get ready for the game.


Something Borrowed is an upcoming  romantic comedy film based on the book of the same name by Emily Giffin, directed by Luke Greenfield, and starring Ginnifer Goodwin and Kate Hudson. It will be distributed in the United States by Warner Bros. Pictures.


Columbia Pictures has released a new movie poster and viral video for the upcoming sci-fi thriller "Battle: Los Angeles."

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The Pop Princess has finally released the music video of her new song "Hold It Against Me"! Watch it while it's hot!!!

Uncle Leo Len Lesser from Seinfeld Dies

Say it aint so - Poor Uncle Leo.

Long time actor and funnyman Len Lesser died on Thursday after being hospitalized with phenomena. He was 88 years old.

The actor was well known for his role as Uncle Leo from the hit series Seinfeld. Both Seinfeld and Jason Alexander, who played George Costanza on the show, expressed their condolences using their Twitter accounts this morning saying.

"Len was a tremendous guy. He was a smart actor/comedian who knew exactly what he was doing in the creation of Uncle Leo. I enjoyed many wonderful conversations with Len who was so openly grateful to be part of our show and so humble about his stunning contribution to it. I am so happy to have known him and my sympathies go to his family. But his was a fun life and he leaves many fans behind and many who will be enjoying his work for years to come."

Lesser was a seasoned professional and Hollywood staple for decades and appeared in successful projects as ER, Everybody Loves Raymond, Just Shoot Me, Mad About You, Falcon Crest, Quincy, Kojak, Bonanza, All in the Family, The Cosby Show, and countless others.

Good night Uncle Leo.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Watch Clint Jun Gamboa's audition video after the jump...


Fresh from being the object of Jay Baruchel’s affection in the hit film “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” Teresa Palmer now stars as the mysterious teen known only as Number Six in DreamWorks Pictures’ new sci-fi thriller “I Am Number Four.”

From the director of the No. 1 box-office hit “Eagle Eye” and the producer of the blockbuster “Transformers” series, “I Am Number Four” is a suspense-filled action adventure featuring relatable, engaging characters grounded in the familiar realm of high school but caught up in a deadly manhunt.

Director D.J. Caruso was looking for someone very special to play the role of Number Six. She needed to be able to take on the intense stunt work that was required of the character. After a long search, he found actress Teresa Palmer. “Number Six is a really powerful, dark, mysterious character,” says Caruso. “Teresa embodies the sexy confidence that was required to pull off the role. She has an infectious energy that blew me away when she read for me.”

Palmer says of her character, “Six is equally as intimidating as she is enchanting, which makes her a force to be reckoned with. She is used to surviving on her own, making her a very enigmatic and mysterious character. Six has fighting skills; her precision and timing of blows is brutal and cunning, which makes her an incredible asset in battle.”

Palmer notes that Number Six is a complex character to play. “She’s been preparing herself for battle her whole life and is incredibly skilled in martial arts and sword-fighting, but she’s quirky in an introverted way. It’s a very exciting role and really different from anything I have ever done before,” Palmer says.

“I auditioned in my natural Australian accent,” recalls Palmer. “I think they were a bit skeptical about it at first, but after we talked about it, it seemed to make sense. All nine, special children wouldn’t have been dropped in America; it would have been too dangerous. It was a much more interesting idea to have them land in different countries and have different accents.”

Palmer was very happy with her character’s look. “As soon as I read the script I had such a clear idea of who she was and what she was going to look like,” recalls Palmer. “Luckily, everyone else was totally on the same page. She is just such a bad-ass chick. She wears low-slung, tight black jeans with a big belt and a chain dangling down. I wanted her to have a tattoo that was easily visible and a skeleton ring. She is definitely out there.”

Aside from the drama of the relationships, the making of “I Am Number Four” required many different types of action sequences based on the needs of the characters in the story. Palmer had the majority of the stunt work to do in the movie. She began training about two months before shooting commenced in Pittsburgh. Explains Palmer: “I didn’t want to do Six the disservice of not knowing how to fight, so I worked with Peng Zhang, a talented fight coordinator who specializes in martial arts. We worked extensively for a few months, concentrating on kicking form—side kicks, back kicks, front kicks—and then putting that together with sword work to create the fierce action. I also worked hand-in-hand with the stunt team lead by action coordinator Brad Allan, who trained me to be able to work like one of them. Our goal was to turn me into this character, not to fake it.”

Opening across the Philippines on Feb. 23, “I Am Number Four” is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International through Columbia Pictures.

Justin Bieber Cover and Interview for Rolling Stone

Justin Bieber is everywhere these days. Now out with a hit movie “Never Say Never 3D” and ready to jet to Europe for his international concert tour leg, he still found the time to cover for Rolling Stone.

The cover picture is classic Rolling Stone and Bieber’s interview with Vanessa Grigoriadis is own of the more interesting.

It starts with Bieber driving Grigoriadis around Atlanta in his Land Rover while talking about his movie, concert tour, sex, dating, puberty and life in general.

The big news for Justin’s millions of fans is that at one point he opened his laptop to reveal a background image of him and Selena Gomez on the beach – when he realized the interviewer could see it he quickly closed it.

Another high point is Bieber railing on the United States health care system and current political landscape. This does not seem to be that adorable little boy sitting on his stool playing guitar anymore, but rather the making of a new mature image – the Land Rover helps.

Look for the digital version and print copy out on February 18th. There is also a short video of Justin doing his photo shoot. Check it out at Rolling Stone Bieber 2011.