Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's About to be a....GIRLFIGHT!

I love a good cat fight.  So, news that Rihanna and Ciara have recently busted out their ghetto claws?  Music to my ears.

Apparently, Ciara was on E!'s Fashion Police last night.  (Side note: Joan Rivers is my idol.)  Ciara and Joany were going off on an outfit recently worn by Rihanna.  Then, CiCi decided to throw in a comment about Rihanna not being the friendliest gal, saying "I ran into her recently at a party, and she wasn't the nicest, and it's crazy because I've always loved and respected what she's done with fashion and I ran into her before but this time it was just, it wasn't the most pleasant run-in."  Umm ok?  I thought this was "Fashion Police", not "Middle School Trash Talk".

Well, RiRi got mad pissed, so she took to her Twitter, as any grown woman should in a case like this, saying:  "My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme"  She also went on to Tweet: "Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of."  To which Ciara responded, "Trust me Rhianna u dont want to see me on or off the stage"

Now, if I were Rihanna, I'm sure I would've shot back with something like, "DUH I don't wanna see you on no stage! Girrrl you stank!"  But no... Rihanna's people just HAD to jump in and handle the situation, forcing her to do the lady-like thing and Tweet this apology: "Ciara baby, I love u girl! U hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's y I retaliated this way! So sorry! #letsmakeup"

Ciara Responded in kind, accepting Ri's apology with this simple tweet: "Rhi u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows/everything. you threw me off in that party! Apology accepted. Let's chat in person." And just like that, they're friends again!  Stories like this just warm my heart.
Awwwww, Twoo Fwends!

I would like to mention that anyone who dresses like Ciara should NOT be allowed on Fashion Police.

Wonder Woman on crack.

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