Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Salahis: Looking for a Womb to Crash

Not-currently-pregnant women everywhere, be on high alert:

Tareq and Michaele Salahi are on the prowl for an empty womb, in which to crash grow a baby ... and we all know that this couple is predisposed to showing up uninvited in even the most highly secured areas (allegedly).
Michaele: a dangerously insane human being.
Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton

That's right, even the Secret Service may not be able to keep the Salahis out of your womb... allegedly.

TMZ broke the story, and spoke with Michaele, who explained that she & Tareq have chosen to have their baby via surrogate, because of Michaele's alleged multiple sclerosis, and her very real old age (she's 45). *

Michaele also told TMZ:
"I'm overjoyed with the hope of starting a family and the blessing of love and peace a child will bring to our lives."
A child bringing peace to the lives of their parents? Interesting theory.

Wahh! I want a baby!

If you haven't seen Michaele Salahi's version of singing and dancing, you should really watch this:

* Babies born to women who are "over-the-hill," are almost guaranteed to have all kinds of crap wrong with them. [2]

Here's a picture of Josie Duggar, born 5 months prematurely, to a 43-year-old Michelle Duggar:
Josie Brooklyn Duggar (AP Photo/TLC, Scott Enlow)

[1] TMZ Staff "The Salahis -- We're Gonna Have a Baby!!!" TMZ 6 August 2011.

[2] Gunter, Jennifer "Despite risks, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are open to the idea of more children" Examiner 12 February 2010.

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