Monday, August 8, 2011

Kanye West Thinks He's Hitler ... and Michael Jordan

Kanye West went on another one of his characteristic rants in the middle of a performance in England, Saturday night.

In this especially strange and entertaining rant, he compared himself to Adolf Hitler and Michael Jordan.

Kanye West Hitler and Michael Jordan

Comparing himself to Hitler, Kanye said:
"I walk down the street, and people look at me like I'm f##king insane. Like I'm Hitler."

But wait, let Kanye finish. He continued his rant, suggesting he was the Michael Jordan of music:
"Michael Jordan changed so much in basketball, he took his power to make a difference. It's so much f##king going on in music right now, and somebody has to make a f##king difference."

Kanye West Hitler

Watch TMZ's video, in which Kanye West compares himself to Hitler. [1]

[1] TMZ Staff "Kanye: People Look At Me Like I'm Adolf Hitler" TMZ 8 August 2011.

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