Sunday, August 7, 2011

Emma Watson Goes for a Jog: An Animated Story

Cute little Emma Watson was spotted out in London yesterday afternoon, on what started out as a nice, relaxing stroll, complete with ice cream, and somehow turned into... something strange and inexplicable.

Trust me, you're gonna want to see this.

WARNING. I know almost nothing about epilepsy, but if you've got it, just be aware: the last picture may or may not induce seizing.

Just a casual stroll.

Then, Emma decides to take this walk to the next level:



Yawn. Running is, like, so boring.


Whew. All that running makes me wanna show my butt cheeks!

Ok, Epileptics, this is the part I warned you about.

Let the seizures commence: *

*If you are viewing this on a mobile device and want in on the seizure-tastic fun, get thee to a real computer, stat!

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