Sunday, August 7, 2011

Desperate Housewives: The Final Season

File this under: "Things Nicollette Sheridan will be happy to hear":

"I'm happy to hear this"
It has been announced that the 8th season of Desperate Housewives will be its last.

Eva Longoria posted the following message on WhoSay:
Final Season of Desperate Housewives announced
A sad, sad day.

On the bright side: I'm sure Marc Cherry has a ton of twists up his sleeve for the last season of Desperate Housewives, which premieres Sunday, September 25 at 9pm/8pm CST on ABC.

RIP, Housewives, you will be missed.
Final Season of Desperate Housewives
Here lies: Desperate Housewives. 2004 - 2012.
Thanks for the memories.

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