Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

RIP: Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper, better known to us as the bad guy in Speed, has passed away...

Dennis Hopper Dies From Prostate Cancer

Hollywood lost a legend today. Dennis Hopper, 74, has died after a long battle with prostate cancer.

Hopper is best known for his roles in "Easy Rider", "Rebel Without A Cause", and "Blue Velvet". While most knew him from these classic movies, he was also known for less rebellious roles in "Hoosiers", "Apocalypse Now", and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2."

During the course of his career he won two Academy Awards and received a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.

Hopper had been married five times and was currently in a legal battle with his current wife, Victoria, who insisted that Hopper was trying to cut her out of the will and her inheritance. The feud was still in full swing up until his death.

His second marriage, to singer-actress Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas, lasted only eight days.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Heidi Montag Splits With Husband Spencer Pratt

Oh, how sweet it is when certain cookies crumble, and this crumbling took less then two years!

News is out that fake celebrity Heidi Montag has split with her doubly fake, and irritating husband Spencer Pratt.

One of Heidi's minions told TMZ,

"Heidi is looking to move out due to all the fake bad press that Spencer controls. She's tired of it and is looking for a place and wants to focus on her acting career and is looking for her own home in Malibu".

Just last month the two celebufakes called the police on Heidi's mother when she apparently showed up at their house uninvited, and who can forgot Spencer's baby antics on the MTV series "I'm a celebrity get me out of here". Police actually got involved when the reality shows producer's feared Pratt's "threats of terror" toward the production staff had gone too far.

Now that this celebrity emergency is over we can get back to work on the economy, oil spill, European collapse, and a host of other more pressing issues.

Casting News

Woah! Got a bit of a shocker news today.

Scream 4 is casting Emma Roberts.

First of, I did not even know about Scream 4... assumed the Scream series has died with Scream 3 but I guess Hollywood really has no original idea anymore so they had to resurrect all kinds of old movies/storylines these day (case in point: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Clash of the Titans).
Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to this movie. I loved the first one! The second one was okay. The third one was just so-so... hopefully this one will be better.
Apparently, Emma Roberts (niece of Julia, starred in Nancy Drew) is being cast in the Sydney-like role that made Neve Campbell a star. And all three stars from the first three movies are coming back as well... can't wait..

In other casting news, James McAvoy will not be shooting curved bullets as of yet coz he will be a telepath. Specifically Charles Xavier.

Yup, in a Wolverine: Origin-like movie, McAvoy will play young Xavier when he was still friends with Magneto (uncast still at this point)...

This Town - New Episode

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Actor Gary Coleman Has Died

UPDATE: Friday 5/28/2010

Gary Coleman has died. His wife Shanon made the decision to end life support and Gary died at 12:05 pm.

A representative issued the following statement:

"Thanks to everyone for their well wishing and support during this tragic time. Now that Gary has passed, we know he will be missed because of all the love and support shown in the past couple of days. Gary is now at peace and his memory will be kept in the hearts of those who were entertained by him throughout the years."

Actor Gary Coleman, who starred on the hit series "Different Strokes", has been hospitalized in Provo Utah.

News reports indicate that Coleman, 42, was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery after suffering a fall.

Little more is known about the circumstances or his prognosis.

Coleman was admitted to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center and his brother-in-law told reporters the actor was in critical condition.

UPDATE: Friday 5/28/2010 - The family reports that Coleman is unconscious and on life support after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Paula Abdul

Remember the judge on American Idol that Ellen DeGeneres replaced? Paula Abdul? She's reemerging with her own reality talent competition, due out next year...

I remember growing up listening to Paula, mostly coz of my sister but I do liked her because her songs was groovy and catchy and her video clips were quite fun...

Nice debut...

Several songs were nice...

Where her fall from the top started...

Quite the entertainer... her concert was fun... :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Brittany Murphy's Husband Simon Monjack Found Dead

Sad news in Hollywood today as we learn that Brittany Murphy's husband Simon Monjack was found dead in the same house Brittany died in five months ago.

Monjack was pronounced dead after 911 was called Sunday evening around nine-thirty p.m.

Firefighters responding to a call from a woman found the 39-year-old Monjack dead at his Hollywood Hills home. Monjack and Murphy had shared their home with Murphy's mother, Sharon.

While a cause of death has not been given, officials say it appears to be from natural causes.

An investigation has been started.

Six months ago Monjack's wife, Brittany Murphy, died of pneumonia complicated by an iron deficiency, anemia and multiple drug intoxication.

The couple had been married since 2007.


Shrek, Fiona, Puss-in-Boots and Donkey fought off Iron Man, War Machine and Robin Hood to win the number one spot!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Akademi Fantasia

Anddddd.... the winner of the 8th season is....

Shahir! Congrajulations! Not that it's an actual surprise... :P

Friday, May 21, 2010

BP Oil Spill Live Video Feed

Here is the BP oil spill Live feed video.

Update Friday: This feed is now coming directly from the BP website. It seems to be much more reliable. The white stuff coming from the well is natural gas.

Estimates are now 1,000,000 (1 million) gallons a day being spewed into the gulf. Oil has entered the Loop Current and now threatens southwest Florida and Key West.

Why has the British government been so quite? Shouldn't they be assuring us that they will make sure things are made right?

Bret Michaels Back In Hospital With Hole In His Heart

Poison front man and "Celebrity Apprentice" finalist Bret Michaels is back in the hospital.

Michaels suffered what doctors are calling a warning stroke after the singer complained of numbness in his face and arms. After a series of tests, doctors discovered Bret has a hole in his heart that needs to be addressed.

This disorder is referred to as patent forum ovale. The condition is corrected with surgery and drug treatment using blood thinners. The hole was discovered after an ultrasound of his heart.

Michaels is still determined to return to his band Poison later this year for a reunion concert, and is in the running in Donald Trumps "Celebrity Apprentice". The finale airs this Sunday.

Bret suffered a massive stoke last month and doctors have said his recovery to date has been remarkable.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Which two is the Final Two and which one got eliminated?

Movie News

Megan Fox won't be in the third Transformers movie... some say it's her decision to not be in it, while others say she was dropped coz of the fighting she did back then with the director... who knows right?

But judging from the second movie, I guess it's a good thing she dropped coz if the third is going the same way the second was... then it'd suck just like the second one...

In other news, 'Heroes' (and NBC) is being sued for copyright infringement... seems the fourth season's theme of the carnival is very much a 'copy-paste' from this:

Btw, Heroes have been definitely canceled... no fifth season to properly end the show... :(

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Video - Lee Dewyze Scores On Idol With Hallelujah

Last night on American Idol the three remaining contestants threw down in their dash for the finish. Well, Crystal Bowersox and Lee Dewyze did. Casey James appears to have given up, making the final two all but a lock.

Lee's first song, and the one he selected, was "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Okay, it was good but did not set the room on fire.

But the song selected for Dewyze by Simon Cowell himself was "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. Lee hit the ball out of the park.

But it also seems the American Idol producers threw everything at the performance to help sway the vote. Epic lighting, epic orchestra, fast camera shots, excellent backup singers, and more help Lee look like a rock star.

Poor Casey could only stand on the stage with his guitar and bleat out another song. Seems a bit unfair?

Watch Lee Dewyze Sing Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah on American Idol

The studio broke into applause giving the former paint salesmen a standing ovation.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 3

It's the final three... down to Crystal Bowersox, Casey James and Lee Dewyze... tonight, they will perform two songs... one of their choice and another chosen by the judges -->

Casey James -

Lee Dewyze -

Crystal Bowersox -

Ghost Whisperer

Movie Writings reported a while ago that Ghost Whisperer had a pretty good chance of getting renewed. But not anymore -->

Another supernatural-themed show bites the dust... lucky we still have The Vampire Diaries... :)

Charlie Sheen Back For More "Two And A Half Men"

Hollywood negotiations can get ugly. But yesterday CBS announced they had reached an agreement with Charlie Sheen to bring his hit sitcom back for two more seasons.

Insiders say negotiations have been going on for weeks, with Sheen wanting two million dollars per episode of "Two and a half men," and CBS wanting, well, much less.

It appears the two parties have come to an agreement, though nobody seems to know for sure what the final amount was. Speculation was a deal would be reached at the last minute because Wednesday starts the networks "Up-fronts" and CBS had to have some kind of deal in place for its affiliates and big advertisers.

But some say Sheen told friends that he wanted out after seven years because he had grown tired of the daily work demands and production schedules, and said he wanted to focus on movies. Charlie is starring in the upcoming sequel "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps".

Now Uncle Charley can put these pesky television contracts behind him and focus on his felony wife beating case out of Colorado scheduled to start in June.

William Shatner To Star In CBS Sitcom

Captain Kirk has come full circle, and CBS has just tapped William Shatner for his first sitcom.

Little is known about the new show, but we hear it will be called "Shit My Dad Says" and will be directed by James Burrows.

The show will also star Nicole Sullivan, Ryan Devlin, Will Sasso, Stephanie Lemelin, and Zibby Allen.

The plot will revolve loosely around Shatner's twenty-nine year old son, Justin, who is an avid Twitter user. He amasses millions of followers just by tweeting the stupid things his father (Shatner) says.

Look for the show next season.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Movie Marathon

Was off on Thursday and Friday so I had planned on catching back-to-back-to-back movies AKA marathon. Bought the ticket for this:

and this:

but luckily held off on buying a ticket for this:

... Coz my grandma passed away and I got to watch Belukar only... I immediately went back to my dad's home town to pay my respects...
Belukar review coming up soon...
Goodbye Tok, may you rest in peace... *sobs*

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greyson Chance Does Lady Gaga Paparazzi On Ellen - Video

This made us smile.

Sixth grader and twelve year old Lady Gaga fan Greyson Michael Chance wowed his schools assembly and talent show with his piano and vocal version of "Paparazzi".

The original video went viral overnight.

Greyson just appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show and took a live phone call from Miss Gaga herself and gave another performance.

Watch Greyson Chance Sing and Play Lady Gaga "Paparazzi" on Ellen

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Yesterday, a colleague and me went to see this movie...

Yup, the infamous Freddy Krueger in a modern retelling of the slasher flick, brought to us by Advertlets...

Held at GSC Midvalley (along with other media (Cinema Online, The Star etc) screenings)
We got there quite early. We left the office at about 7.15. We got to Midvalley at 7.30. Nice eh?
So we went straight to GSC to check out the thingy. There was already a long line but when investigated upon, it turned out to be the lines for Cinema Online. So I looked around and saw the Advertlets booth, closer to the concession stand. Unfortunately, it was empty. We're early. So we decided to go for dinner first.
Aren't these salmon scrumptious? *drools*
So close to 8 o'clock, I made a dash to GSC, leaving my colleague still scarfing down sushi... *envious*

Finally, there are people there... I had thought that maybe we missed the ticket redemption time... *phew*

There were only a few people in front of me but the waiting took almost forever. Come on people! Move it! The sushi ain't gonna wait for me! Sigh...

When I get closer to the front, I found out what the delay was... some people were negotiating to sit together with their other friends while some of them were negotiating about tickets? I did not really get the gist of that conversation coz I was fuming mad (and hungry). One more minute of waiting and I'd throw a hissy fit right there and then. Luckily, I did not have to wait another minute. I told the Advertlets guys my name and they said my blog name, even without looking at the list. Wow! That was a nice feeling. So I was not mad anymore. Hehhehe...

Then she (didn't catch her name) told me I'd won a t-shirt! Yay! But they said they'd give it to me in the screening hall... okay I guess... so the other guy (also did not get his name) asked me if I wanted A or B... woah, that's like the back of the hall... cool beans... I asked for A... of course...

Then I rushed back to Sushi King, where my colleague has eaten half of the Kaiten Belt... but I was too excited/nervous/giddy from finding out I won something and that people knows of me/my blog and that I got nice seats so I only ate a couple of plates more and we were gone...

Our seats in the back

Our vantage point... nice eh? Complete with Angels in the air, probably to protect us from Freddy...

Wow, this post is getting to be long... maybe I should keep the review short...

Freddy Krueger was a childhood nightmare, so to speak... this new Freddy isn't as scary or creepy as the original Freddy but the new Freddy has a malevolent aura that the old Freddy doesn't... this one made Robert Englund's Freddy looked a bit campy... huhuhu...

Not much to say about the storylines... ya know, kids sleep, meet Freddy, scream lungs out, slashing, dead... the usual...

But I gotta say the movie is creepy and quite suspenseful... not really scary as we've seen the movie/villain before but nice nonetheless...

Now, I don't exactly remember the original movie since it was years ago since I last saw it and I'd imagine there were a few tweaks here and there that are a bit different... I think...

And of course, the movie had to end on a cliffhanger... which we knew was coming but overall, I'd say good effort indeed :)

Thanks Advertlets! I am glad I participated in the contest...

P/S - I never got that prize... dunno what happened... maybe we came in too late to the screening hall and missed the prize giving ceremony... :(