Sunday, May 2, 2010


AIM17 has come and gone... the ending performance was a bit iffy... but hey, since apparently no one's learnt anything from the fiasco that was the Anugerah Bintang Popular's KRU/Feminin 'tribute', we should expect more of those performances I guess...

Some of the winners include:

Persembahan Vokal Terbaik Di Dalam Lagu (Lelaki)
Hazami - Survivor

Persembahan Vokal Terbaik Di Dalam Lagu (Wanita)
Dato' Siti Nurhaliza - Ku Percaya Ada Cinta

Persembahan Vokal Berkumpulan Terbaik Di Dalam Lagu
Dato' Siti Nurhaliza & Kris Dayanti - Amarah

Artis Baru Terbaik

Album Terbaik
Adrenalin - Faizal Tahir

Lagu Terbaik
Dan Sebenarnya - Yuna

Full List of Winners:

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