Friday, May 28, 2010

Casting News

Woah! Got a bit of a shocker news today.

Scream 4 is casting Emma Roberts.

First of, I did not even know about Scream 4... assumed the Scream series has died with Scream 3 but I guess Hollywood really has no original idea anymore so they had to resurrect all kinds of old movies/storylines these day (case in point: A Nightmare on Elm Street, Clash of the Titans).
Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to this movie. I loved the first one! The second one was okay. The third one was just so-so... hopefully this one will be better.
Apparently, Emma Roberts (niece of Julia, starred in Nancy Drew) is being cast in the Sydney-like role that made Neve Campbell a star. And all three stars from the first three movies are coming back as well... can't wait..

In other casting news, James McAvoy will not be shooting curved bullets as of yet coz he will be a telepath. Specifically Charles Xavier.

Yup, in a Wolverine: Origin-like movie, McAvoy will play young Xavier when he was still friends with Magneto (uncast still at this point)...

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