Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Yesterday, a colleague and me went to see this movie...

Yup, the infamous Freddy Krueger in a modern retelling of the slasher flick, brought to us by Advertlets...

Held at GSC Midvalley (along with other media (Cinema Online, The Star etc) screenings)
We got there quite early. We left the office at about 7.15. We got to Midvalley at 7.30. Nice eh?
So we went straight to GSC to check out the thingy. There was already a long line but when investigated upon, it turned out to be the lines for Cinema Online. So I looked around and saw the Advertlets booth, closer to the concession stand. Unfortunately, it was empty. We're early. So we decided to go for dinner first.
Aren't these salmon scrumptious? *drools*
So close to 8 o'clock, I made a dash to GSC, leaving my colleague still scarfing down sushi... *envious*

Finally, there are people there... I had thought that maybe we missed the ticket redemption time... *phew*

There were only a few people in front of me but the waiting took almost forever. Come on people! Move it! The sushi ain't gonna wait for me! Sigh...

When I get closer to the front, I found out what the delay was... some people were negotiating to sit together with their other friends while some of them were negotiating about tickets? I did not really get the gist of that conversation coz I was fuming mad (and hungry). One more minute of waiting and I'd throw a hissy fit right there and then. Luckily, I did not have to wait another minute. I told the Advertlets guys my name and they said my blog name, even without looking at the list. Wow! That was a nice feeling. So I was not mad anymore. Hehhehe...

Then she (didn't catch her name) told me I'd won a t-shirt! Yay! But they said they'd give it to me in the screening hall... okay I guess... so the other guy (also did not get his name) asked me if I wanted A or B... woah, that's like the back of the hall... cool beans... I asked for A... of course...

Then I rushed back to Sushi King, where my colleague has eaten half of the Kaiten Belt... but I was too excited/nervous/giddy from finding out I won something and that people knows of me/my blog and that I got nice seats so I only ate a couple of plates more and we were gone...

Our seats in the back

Our vantage point... nice eh? Complete with Angels in the air, probably to protect us from Freddy...

Wow, this post is getting to be long... maybe I should keep the review short...

Freddy Krueger was a childhood nightmare, so to speak... this new Freddy isn't as scary or creepy as the original Freddy but the new Freddy has a malevolent aura that the old Freddy doesn't... this one made Robert Englund's Freddy looked a bit campy... huhuhu...

Not much to say about the storylines... ya know, kids sleep, meet Freddy, scream lungs out, slashing, dead... the usual...

But I gotta say the movie is creepy and quite suspenseful... not really scary as we've seen the movie/villain before but nice nonetheless...

Now, I don't exactly remember the original movie since it was years ago since I last saw it and I'd imagine there were a few tweaks here and there that are a bit different... I think...

And of course, the movie had to end on a cliffhanger... which we knew was coming but overall, I'd say good effort indeed :)

Thanks Advertlets! I am glad I participated in the contest...

P/S - I never got that prize... dunno what happened... maybe we came in too late to the screening hall and missed the prize giving ceremony... :(

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