Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is a Free Woman!

After 35 days of house arrest, Lindsay Lohan is finally free to roam the earth! The best part is, she no longer has to worry about that hideous ankle bracelet making her pants look all bunchy 'n stuff.

When do you wanna hit up Chateau Marmont??

I bet LiLo feels amazing, especially after being "cooped up" with her view of the ocean, relaxing on the roof, having a house arrest roof party with her friends, and shooting commercials.

Lindsay let TMZ into her garage this morning, so she could give them the exclusive scoop on her first moments outside her home in more than a month (please ignore the court dates, rooftop photos, commercials, etc. Those don't count.)

Anyway, inside her garage, Lindsay told the TMZ cameras that she's "excited to start community service and focus on [her] work."

Who gets excited for community service? I wouldn't. But I hate doing things for others, so maybe that's my problem. Ahh, if only I could be as benevolent as Lindsay.

Child, please

So, do you think Lindsay can make like Britney Spears, and have a total comeback?

I certainly hope so! But first, I hope she shaves her head and attacks a car with an umbrella.

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