Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chris Brown Smiles & Hugs His Way Out of a Parking Ticket

It looks like everything in the world of Breezy is coming up roses. And sunshine, and unicorns, and rainbows, etc. etc.

Check out Chris Brown's tricked out Lambo:
Not the same Lambo Breezy was driving the night he beat the ish out of Rihanna
And yet: TMZ's ever-present cameras caught Chris Brown out n' about in L.A. yesterday, where he threw yet another hissy fit, for absolutely no reason.

Chris Brown had just managed to wriggle his way out of a parking ticket, by smiling and hugging the (female) parking cop. After doing so, he proceeded to throw around a few choice homophobic and racist slurs, accusing the TMZ crew of alerting the parking cops to his illegally parked Lamborghini, yelling,  
"Y'all n**gas is weak. Did you all call them to try and film me? Y'ALL N**GAS IS GAY."
Good job, Breezy, it's good to see you're getting your anger problems under control!

Racial and homophobic whatnot aside, apparently, when you drive a car that costs about 5x as much as your average crack house, the guvmint decides to give you a free pass on paying those hefty parking ticket prices. Maybe they figure you've got those pesky car insurance payments to worry about? Or, perhaps they figure they're practically guaranteed to make more money off of you later, when they pull you over for speeding. We may never know.

Anyway, go watch TMZ's video of the whole incident.

Today, after being blasted in and around his, erm, rectum, for his gay-bashing (ironic, no?), Chris Brown tweeted the following "heartfelt apology," no doubt at the insistence of "Team Breezy":

I included Breezy's Twitter background, just for funzies!
 What about the black community, Chris? Lolz.

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