Saturday, March 5, 2011

Miley Cyrus is Hosting SNL...That's Pretty Cool!

Miley Cyrus will be hosting tonight's episode of Saturday Night Live.  This extra special episode promises to be positively brimming with intelligent, subtle humor, as is Miley's forte.

Sadly, for all you Miley fans, there will be a lack of shout-singing tonight, as The Strokes will be the musical guest.  I find this quite ironic, because, had Miley hosted and musical guested, there would likely have been an epidemic of strokes tonight!  (Hardy har... a little joke.)   

Our little Disney Princess has blossomed into quite the classy young woman, and in preparation for what is sure to be a memorable episode of SNL, I'd like to take a little trip down memory lane, and visit some of Miley's best looks.  Buckle up kiddies, here we go:

One of our first glimpses of an older, more mature Hannah Montana Miley Cyrus
Bathroom MySpace!
On the floor MySpace!!
Bikini MySpace!!!
Hello Kitty MySpace!!!!
Someone forgot to pack her tongue scraper!

Thanks to Miley's publicist, it's not weed she's smoking, it's "Salvia"

Ahh. Memories.

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