Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ke$ha is a Bathing Beauty

Our favorite singing sensation, Kesha Rose Sebert, was spotted on a beach in Australia yesterday, where she is currently on tour.

She wore a lovely, high-waisted bikini, with lattice-detailing on the sides.  This lattice-detailing is reminiscent of an apple pie, which Ke$ha has apparently been enjoying a lot of.
You could bounce a quarter off that hind end!
Om nom nom! Ke$ha HUNGRY!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a well done high-waist bikini, it can be so retro-fab, but this is NOT that.  Good god, this is not that.

Let's take a look at some more of these smokin' hot pics, shall we?
Maybe she should've done some running before getting into that bikini
Again, yoga BEFORE bikini.
Omg, someone come help, QUICK! We've got a beached whale!!!

The bikini, not on Ke$ha:
See?  Not so terrible.
If you totes need to look exactly like Ke$hy-Poo, this bikini is from the love of my life, Free People.

If I were Free People, I would sue the piss outta Ke$ha. That's gotta fall under some defamation laws...right?

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