Saturday, February 27, 2010

Marie Osmond's Son Dies In Suicide

The eighteen-year-old son of Marie Osmond, Michael Blosil, has died after jumping from his Los Angeles apartment building.

Reports indicate that Michael Blosil left a suicide note saying he was going to kill himself after suffering from depression. The L.A. coroner's office has launched an investigation.

Donny and Marie have cancelled their Las Vegas show for tonight and issued the following statement:

"My family and I are devastated and in deep shock by the tragic loss of our dear Michael and ask that everyone respect our privacy during this difficult time"

Blosil had been suffering from depression for several years, as did his mother Marie in 2001 when she penned the book "Behind the Smile," about her experience with postpartum depression.

Marie Osmond has appeared on the television show "Dancing With the Stars," and she and Donny are currently headlining a show in Las Vegas.

Top24 Eliminations

Ashley Rodriguez (left)

Janell Wheeler (right)

Joe Munoz (right)

Tyler Grady (left)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Growing Pains Actor Andrew Koenig Found Dead In Vancouver After Suicide

Actor Andrew Koenig has been found and the news is not good.

The "Growing Pains" actor was found dead in a Vancouver park after committing suicide. His body was found in a wooded area near Stanley Park.

His parents held an emotional news conference yesterday saying, "Andrew took his own life." Andrew's father, Walter Koenig, played Chekov on the original "Star Trek" television series.

Officials say foul play has been ruled out, and the family did not believe drugs were involved saying depression was most likely the motivator and said, "He obviously was in a lot of pain".

They said Andrew, 41, had been depressed, and had given away his belongings and had stopped taking his medication and taking phone calls. They pleaded with others who suffer from depression to reach out and seek help.

Walter said at a press conference:

"If you are one of those people who can't handle it any more, know people are out there who really care before you make that final decision, talk to somebody."

In addition to his run on Growing Pains, Andrew Koenig also appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, My Two Dads, G.I. Joe, and the movies NonSense, InAlienable and The Theory of Everything.

Watch Video Of Walter Koenig Press Conference


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Niyang Rapik

Yet another horror/ghost story blasting into the cinemas. But with this one, I was a bit excited to see it because I saw the trailer and it was interesting. First of, most horror movies have female leads, except maybe Jangan Pandang Belakang... Intan Ladyana was more a supporting character for Pierre Andre's lead.

Niyang Rapik showcases four male co-leads and Liyana Jasmay (and Fizz Fairuz) is more of a supporting characters. Something different... :)

So... when my colleague mentioned the preview, I was excited to go. It was held the same day as Lu Pikirlah Sendiri... two birds, one stone...

For the synopsis, go to


1) It satisfies the horror fan within me. Okay, so it's not really a horror movie... it's a movie with a supernatural theme... actually more like a vengeance movie but has enough thrill/suspenseful moments to warrant 'horror'

2) Some of the acting is quite good... Zed Zaidi, Kamal Adli and Awal Ashaari handled their roles quite well while it was just a walk in the park for Liyana Jasmay...

3) The music helped created the horror ambience... nice touch...

4) Little usage of the loud noise effects to signal the ghost's arrival... we can see the damn thing show up on screen already, do we need to be shocked by the effects? Getting shocked by the ghost itself is enough...

5) The storylines pretty good and the narrative... the flashbacks... the slow peeling of the mystery...


1) First of... what were they thinking when they made the poster? Totally giving away the red herring and the surprise twist... sigh...

2) The dubbing... some of the voiceover work doesn't really tally with what's going on onscreen... crying sound comes on but the character's not really crying... screaming voice comes on but character's just talking... a lot of those going on... kinda annoying after a while... btw, who's in charge of the dubbing and the laying of the tracks on to the movie? Coz I dun really know whose fault this is? The producer? The director? Sound guy?

3) Some of the acting and/or voice acting really weird and overly done...

4) The ending...

Not that I am saying Niyang Rapik is unflawed, because it is... but looking at it overall, it was a decent effort... I came out from the hall feeling satisfied, rather than discontented... although some of the things that happened to them is rather bizarre and some was not really thought through to the end... in any event, I'd pay money to go see this... :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Charlie Sheen Enters Rehab

Just when you thought the Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller situation could not get any worse…. It just did.

TMZ is reporting that Sheen did not show up on the set of "Two And A Half Men" yesterday, and that when he showed up for work on Tuesday the production staff was told Sheen was entering rehab.

This could just be a ploy to keep the courts on his side, as part of his probation is not to consume any alcohol or drugs. Uncle Charlies rep says the rehab is "for precautionary measures".

The issue is that if he drinks he may have his bail revoked sending him to jail. That would definitely put a crimp in his sitcoms taping.

We are not sure how the production schedule will need to be altered, but when contracts are signed they are usually for a certain number of shows by a certain date.

Sheen's wife, Brooke Mueller, was forced to leave a Malibu rehab center last week due to a leak of personal admissions information. Mueller's camp has said they are preparing a lawsuit against the facility and that Brooke has since checked into a more "secure" program.

Hollywood life sure seems complicated sometimes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dick Cheney In Hospital With Chest Pains

Ex Vice President Dick Cheney was rushed to George Washington University Hospital Monday after complaining of chest pains.

After being looked at by his doctors and having an angiogram, Cheney was said to be resting while a treatment plan is discussed.

Sixty-nine year old Cheney has had four heart attacks since he was thirty-seven years old, and had a large number of hospital stays, angiograms, stents, and pacemakers installed in the interim.

Cheney's public relations assistant Peter Long issued a statement saying that he was resting comfortably and his doctors were evaluating his situation.

His health was a concern while campaigning with George Bush, and that concern followed him all the way through the White House and into private life.

A press update is expected form the Cheney camp on Tuesday after they confer with his doctors and various specialists.

Growing Pains Actor Andrew Koenig Still Missing

In what has turned out to be one of the most coordinated internet search parties ever mounted, news out of Vancouver is still not good.

Andrew Koenig who appeared as Boner on the hit sitcom "Growing Pains" is still missing.

Koenig, 41, was due to arrive in L.A. on February 14 after visiting Vancouver Canada.

Andrew is the son of famous Star Trek Actor Walter Koenig who played Chekov on the series. Walter and his wife told the press they received an email from their son on the 16th and grew concerned.

His parents say Andrew may be suffering from depression and somewhere near the Vancouver area and that they did not feel drugs were an issue with their son.

They are asking anyone with any information to contact their local police department.

In addition to his role as Richard Boner on "Growing Pains" during the 1980's, Koenig also wrote and directed "Good Boy" (2003) and "Women In A Green Dress" in 2004.

His first television appearance was as a young boy on the popular police show "Adam 12" before taking roles on "My Sister Sam", "21 Jump Street", "My Two Dads", "G.I. Joe", and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine".

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Watching Movies

This time, it's two movies filled with fantasy and myth. Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief was the first movie. The second is The Wolfman.
Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief was at the top of my list after I saw the trailer. Looks cool. I did a little digging around and found out a lot of info. It turns out Percy Jackson is a book. A series of books to be exact.

So this would be another entry in the world of fantasy movies that are aimed at the younger crowds such as Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Spiderwick, The Golden Compass and Twilight.

The difference between Percy Jackson and the rest of the movies is that Percy Jackson is more about the Greek Gods and myths. This already piqued my interest, mostly because I play Magic: The Gathering, or used to anyway and there were plenty of fantasy Greek creatures in play. Plus, I am a sucker for the fantasy stuff anyway.

So there story goes like this... Percy Jackson, a Demi-God (offspring of a God and mortal human), has been accused of stealing Zeus' lightning bolt. Percy has no idea of this and of his heritage. He was not aware of his mother's sacrifices to keep him safe and that his best friend is actually his protector.

It was until a Fury attacked him that all was revealed to him. Oh, wait, all was revealed to him after the minotaur attack.

See, Percy is the son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and Zeus' and Hades' brother. However, the power struggle in Olympia is quite bad that the Gods are almost always at each other's throats. Zeus declares Percy as the thief and will war with his brothers unless the bolt's returned to him.

Hades kidnaps Percy's mother in a bid to take the bolt for himself. So Percy, along with Grover, his satyr/protector and Annabeth, Demi-God daughter of Athena, travels across the country in search of the pearls that would allow them safe passage out of the underworld, along the way, encountering fascinating creatures such as Medusa (Uma Thurman, channeling Poison Ivy) and Hydras.

Percy has a tall order. He has to save the world from ending via the War of the Gods. He has to save his mother from the clutches of Hades in the Underworld. He also has to prove his innocence and return the bolt.

This movie has the right amount of action, drama, comedy, suspense and thrill to make it one smooth movie-going experience. Especially for me. Every time a creature comes up on the screen, I'd say its name first, then Annabeth would say it. :)

Guess Part II isn't far away eh? This is a cool poster! :)

Next is The Wolfman... I must admit I did not really wanna catch this movie at first. But then again, Emily Blunt's in it. I loved her in The Devil Wears Prada. :)

This movie started out slow, despite the opening scene... or maybe I was just too tired from the week's activities... but it slowly starts to pick up the pace and before you know it, you're feeling the suspense, the thrill and the scare...

The story goes like this... Benicio Del Toro's brother got killed in the opening scene and Emily Blunt wrote to him to give him the news. He returns to the home town to investigate but got attacked by the creature. Soon after, he himself started to transform into the werewolf.

I'm gonna say this... Hollywood casting sometimes give away the plot... case in point: Hancock. The leading actor was Will Smith, supporting was Jason Bateman. But why is Jason Bateman's wife played by Charlize Theron. Her star power was bigger than Bateman. Half way through the movie, you get to know the reason why. Her small part is actually bigger. If they had cast an unknown actress or some other lesser actress, then we, or rather I, would probably be surprised by the twist or red herring.

In this case, it was Sir Anthony Hopkins. His clout is bigger than all of the actors combined. Enough said.

All in all, an enjoyable entry in the fantasy genre and a good werewolf movie to boot.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Murder At Jay Leno's House?

Funnyman Jay Leno is always "on" - once a comedian always a comedian.

This week while a film crew was working near Jay's house the police were called in to help with logistics. But as you can imagine, the rumors started flying.

Why were the cops at Leno's house?

Leave it the crack reporting of TMZ to get to the bottom of it all. They sent out a reporter and cameraman to investigate, and happened to run into Jay returning home in one of his vintage cars.

When asked why the cops were at his house Leno, without missing a beat, joked that they were there because of the "murder".

It really is must see TV!

Watch Jay Leno Explain The Cops And Murder At His House


Friday, February 19, 2010

Watch - Tiger Woods Apology Video

Pro golfer and superstar Tiger Woods broke his silence today after three months of being on the lamb.

In his speech he apologized to everyone - his sponsors, family, friends, children, foundation workers, and more. His banter was a bit strained at times, and he almost broke down more then once.

But somehow it didn't feel right. The words were all there, but at times it seemed as if he was just reading a book report instead of offering an apology. He dumped on the media and tended to focus on his rehab more than his problem.

The video below is his press conference from today. Enjoy!

Watch Tiger Apology Video Press Conference Video

Within hours of his apology, lawyer Gloria Allred held her own press conference with one of Tigers ladies -porn star Joslyn James. It seems Allred was looking for a personal, national apology to her client.

James said she never meant to hurt anybody and never lied. She was devastated and crying. Let's see… a porn star having an affair with a man she knew was married, and she wants an apology. Good luck.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nude Snooki Photos Surface On The Web

Well, it should not really be a surprise.

We knew it was only a matter of time before either a sex tape or nude pictures started to turn up of the cast of "Jersey Shore".

We can thank Snooki for starting things off with a bang!

But hold on.

We suspect this should all be taken with a grain of salt. Even though the website claims to show the first official leaked photo, there is probably a pretty good chance it is a fake.

The Jersey Shore actress, whose real name is Nicole Polizzi, claims on her Twitter account that there have never been any nude photos taken of her.

But a new craze is about to hit the airwaves my friends. You just watch…

In a never-ending cycle to promote in every way possible, there will soon be a wave of nude picture sightings, bathroom wardrobe malfunctions, cell phone misunderstandings, and six-pack mishaps flooding our airwaves.

If you still don't understand the craze that is "Jersey Shore", then the full episode video below will show exactly why everybody hates it. You will hate it too.

Watch "Jersey Shore" Full Episode


Best Actress Oscar

Who will win it the Best Actress Oscar this year after Kate Winslet's win last year? This time around, I managed to watch three of the five nominated performances. Would've been four, if the Precious DVD was not defective and could not play on my DVD player. Sigh...

Not that it really matters anyway, as the buzz for the eventual winners seems to settle between two actresses. Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock. Or I should say Meryl VS Sandy...

Meryl Streep, who already have 2 Oscars (one for Supporting in Kramer Vs Kramer and one Lead for Silkwood) and 16 nominations, is up for Best Actress for her turn as Julia Child in Julie & Julia.

Meanwhile, Sandra Bullock is nominated for her performance in The Blind Side. Yes, this is Bullock's first nomination.

The other three nominees are Carey Mulligan (An Education), Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) and Helen Mirren (The Last Station). Of these three, Mirren is the only one who has an Oscar and several nominations.

Let's break it down. I can't really comment on Precious and The Last Station due to not having seen it yet but I will comment on the other three performances, which for me are the frontrunners anyway. Okay, Streep and Bullock are the frontrunners, Mulligan is the dark horse.

I saw a clip of the Best Actress nominees played during the SAG Awards.
I gotta say that Sidibe's was the weakest.
Mirren was quite good. But then again, I haven't seen the films so could not really say...
Julie & Julia was the first one I saw. Then The Blind Side and then only I caught An Education. J&J is actually a bit heavier than it's given credit for, mostly because of the subtext and subplots. If you're just scratching the surface of the movie, then yes, it's a fluffy piece of cinema dedicated to the two protagonists who enjoyed cooking.
And believe me, I enjoyed every minute of the cooking part. Even inspired me to take up cooking again. :)
I am a self-proclaimed entertainment aficianado. Can't exactly call myself a critic since I do not really have any experience nor qualification to back that claim up. But I do know a thing or two about movies, after all those movies I watched and also coz I am a writer (amateur-ish)... and I am always watching all kinds of blogs and sites about awards, movies and entertainment.
The internet was abuzzin' with J&J and how Meryl was an absolute delight. I have to admit that Julia Child is a foreign concept for me. I mean, I have heard her name before and I know she's a chef but I do not know her like I do Nigella Lawson, Gordon Ramsay or Jamie Oliver, or even Rachael Ray or Martha Stewart.

Oh, I have seen an impersonation of her on 30 Rock, but that was it. So I did not know The Meryl got it right or not but I figured she got it right, the mannerism and the voice. However, I do not find her acting in this one was particularly great. I am a fan of hers. Meryl I mean. Even though I got into the game pretty late. I was still a toddler when she started getting the noms and the wins.
But I've seen a bunch of her recent movies and I know that Meryl can definitely out-act anyone. Even her farts can out-act anyone. But I am also of the school of thought where an actor did not do a good job if you look at them acting, instead of looking at the role. That's exactly what I saw. Meryl Streep imitating Julia Child. She did not inhabit the role and made me forget it was not Streep on the screen but Child. Even then, she was still good.
On a side note, a lot of people were turned off by Amy Adams' Julie, but I connected with Adams and Julie Powell and I enjoyed her adventures, more than Meryl's Julia Child. I think, from reading all the blog comments and stuff, there's only two other people who thought the same thing.
Now, Sandy B, on the other hand, came into movies during my teens and I've followed her ever since I saw her plucky cop on Demolition Man. Who can forget the virtual sex scene with Sylvester Stallone and the scene where she kicked ass ala Jackie Chan...
She was wonderful in While You Were Sleeping, the movie that cemented her status as a movie star. Yes, not Speed. Speed was her breakthrough role. The Net is also one of my favorite Sandy B (or SaBu as she's monikered these days) movies.
The Blind Side came out of nowhere, kinda self-prophesizing eh? Like seriously, I've heard/read about Meryl, Carey Mulligan, Gabby Sidibe (and Monique's fiery performance) way back in the summer of 09.
It was like the tiny movie that could. After it achieved box office success and SaBu got nominated for a Golden Globe (two actually, the other nom was for The Proposal), I went out and sought the DVD. I gave it a go... the first 10 minutes was bordering on boring a bit until Sandra Bullock showed up. But that was not SaBu. It was Leigh Ann Touhy. Not just coz Bullock had her hair lightened or speaking in a Southern accent, but her mannerisms were different. Believe me, I know. I watched almost all of her movies. And she was playing the stiff, rigid woman in The Proposal as well.
I was watching Leigh Ann Touhy. Not a lot of people give enough credit to Bullock for being a good actress. Just because she does comedies. I saw Infamous and Sandra was good. She wasn't Sandra. She was Harper Lee, the author of To Kill A Mockingbird, and friend to Truman Capote.
So what if she doesn't do much in this movie? Does that mean she was acting her ass off? Does an actress really need to be shouting, screaming, spitting, crying etc to be considered good acting? A subtle performance is just as good as the foaming at the mouth performance.
I had a feeling that Sandra would walk away with the statuette come Golden Globe night. And I was right. Good for her! Unfortunately, a lot of flak was thrown her way. It was not like Bullock had a hand in her win. They chose her. Voted for her. Sigh.

After the Golden Globes, I caught An Education. Carey Mulligan is cute :)
She has her moments. Shining moments. But otherwise her performance was much like Sandra Bullock's. After seeing An Education, I had a feeling that Sandra's chances of getting the SAG award and the Oscar nom was slim... but Bullock's win at the SAG proved that she was indeed unstoppable. 2009 was a good year for her, breaking a bunch of records.
Come Oscar night, I'll be cheering for SaBu. But I secretly hope Meryl get her third Oscar and I also secretly hope that Carey Mulligan will be called up to get her award.
But, out of the three, I'd rather have Sandy take it home or Carey, but not Meryl. I was not impressed with her Julia Child. Her Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada was a good example of her brilliantness. Even Mamma Mia! was a lot better.
So all in all, go Sandra Bullock! Just stay away from movies with boats...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jerry Seinfeld's "The Marriage Ref" - Watch Preview

Its been a long time since we saw Jerry Seinfeld on television, but soon we will be able to watch his cumulative executive producer skills unfold on his new situation comedy/reality show "The Marriage Ref."

Set to debut after the 2010 Winter Olympics, the news is there will be appearances by Madonna, Sarah Silverman, Ricky Gervais and others. Tom Papa will head up the show as "The Marriage Ref"

A preview is scheduled for Sunday, February 28 following the Olympic closing ceremonies before the official premiere on Thursday, March 4 on NBC.

The show takes a funny look at the unpredictable and hilarious institution we call marriage.

Seinfeld and company showcases the funny and interesting situations surrounding single life in New York City. And married life takes center stage as celebrities, comedians and other Hollywood celebrities candidly comment, judge and decide who's right and who's wrong in real-life disputes between real-life spouses.

Watch Preview Of Jerry Seinfeld's "The Marriage Ref"


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Watch We Are The World 2010 Video

Last night during the Olympic Game Opening Ceremonies we had the opportunity to see the world premier of the new "We Are The World."

A multi-national broadcast also took place at 2:00 in over 50 countries on Saturday.

The video is well done, and young pop sensation Justin Bieber had the task of starting things off by singing the first line. Other stars joined in on queue and the end result was impressive.

More than eighty-five artists lent their talent to the three-minute video including Jennifer Hudson, Nicole Scherzinger, Sugarland, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion and Fergie. Josh Groban, LL Cool J, Nick Jonas, Lil Wayne, actor Jeff Bridges, bad guy Kanye West, Miley Cyrus and Haitian-American singer Wyclef Jean participated.

The video is introduced by Jamie Foxx who told viewers they can go to to purchase the iPhone version and to donate to the Haiti releif effort.

Watch "We Are The World" 2010 Video


Friday, February 12, 2010

Survivor Boston Rob Injury - Update

Last nights Survivor season 20 episodes ended on somewhat of a shocking note - at least for Boston Rob fans.

After an already brutal "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains" opening challenge where Rupert broke his toe and Stephanie dislocated her shoulder, the show ended with a dramatic scene of Boston Rob in the woods - and then falling down or passing out.

The camera pans out on Rob's limp, lifeless arm, as if in a scene of "Law and Order." It was definitely intended to shock viewers.

The episodic flash was a bit sketchy, and we suspect producers meant it to be that way; after all, you can't pull ratings without a little drama and suspense.

And we have seen this before, where a somewhat non-dramatic scene is edited to be the most shocking reality show scene ever. We found the episode 2 preview and there is another dramatic "Rob" moment.

Check it out, what is your theory? Is he dead? Alive? In? Out?

Watch Boston Rob Injury On Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Season 20

Watch Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Full Episode 1

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bill Clinton Hospitalized - Has Two Heart Stents Inserted

Word out of New York this evening is that ex President Bill Clinton was rushed to the hospital complaining of chest pains.

In 2004, Clinton underwent quadruple bypass surgery to unblock four arteries, some of which were almost 100% blocked, and has been monitored by some of the best doctors in the country ever since.

News reports indicate that Clinton, 63, complained of pain and breathing problems on Thursday and was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital. Clinton had two stents inserted into his heart valves.

Stents are small wire mesh tubes inserted into heart arteries to unblock them and allow blood to flow freely. His wife, Hillary Clinton, was in route to New York from Washington D.C. to be by her husband.

A press release issued by the hospital said:

"Mr. Clinton is in good spirits and will continue to focus on the work of his foundation and Haiti's relief and long-term recovery efforts".

Lu Pikirlah Sendiri

Today (11 Feb) is the day Lu Pikirlah Sendiri opens...

I had the privilege (and I use the term loosely) of being invited to attend the movie preview. Actually, my colleague was invited and he asked me to tag along...

Here's a synopsis of the movie:

Mengisahkan tentang mengejar impian, kerjaya dan cinta. Nabil (Nabil Raja Lawak) dan Natasya (Puteri Sarah) merupakan pasangan yang berbeza dari semua perkara. Mereka seperti dua garisan yang tidak mungkin bertemu di dalam kehidupan ini untuk melayakkan mereka bercinta. Mereka mempunyai pandangan hidup yang berbeza kerana seorang di universiti dan seorang lagi terpaksa bekerja menyara diri dan keluarga. Walaupun mereka berdua ibarat garisan yang tidak mungkin bertemu, tetapi takdir menentukan segalanya.

Pada pertemuan yang pertama sahaja mereka sudah tidak sefahaman, bertengkar dan bergaduh. Cinta yang tidak diungkapkan menimbulkan salah faham yang berterusan dan berpanjangan. Apakah kesudahan mereka? Siapakah dahulu yang melafazkan kata cinta? Siapakah Kumpulan Meet Uncle Hussein di dalam cerita ini? Apakah kelainan pada watak-watak yang dibawa oleh pelakon-pelakon hebat tanah air seperti Amy Search, Vanida Imran, Faizal Tahir, Mila AF5, Aziz M. Osman dan lain-lain yang turut terlibat di dalam filem ini? Untuk mengetahui selanjutnya, nantikan kemunculan filem ini di pawagam berhampiran anda.....Jangan ketinggalan..... !!!

The preview was held at Cathay Cineplex, Cineleisure on the 2nd of February at 2pm. Earlier the same day, we had attended the preview of Niyang Rapik. So you know our mood was not exactly light since we'd been there from morning.

It did not help when the event started late. Very late. They also had a lot of things lined up, such as Meet Uncle Hussain performance, featuring Hazama and a new band called L Danielle also performed. After that, they brought out a cake and had all the cast and crew receive bouquets of flowers. Even the sponsors was given flowers. Sigh.

Is it just me or is this stuff usually reserved for the premiere night? More than half of the journos in the room were getting impatient and restless. The movie better bring it, I thought to myself as we sit through the whole shebang.

When the film was finally presented, I thought I could finally kick my shoes off and have a good time since it was a comedy we're watching. But things did not look up. The movie itself was bad and awkward and a lot of things did not make sense.

I'll start with the bad first, then only I'll go into the good...


1) Poster was misleading. Nabil and Mila on the poster but the movie is about Nabil's life and his clashes with Puteri Sarah. Mila was only in the movie for 15 minutes tops. During the preview, some members of the press said that Puteri Sarah had a hissy fit when she was the poster, understandable as she was the lead.

I was told that the director/producer said Puteri Sarah's face was not suitable with the other two on the poster and that is why she's left out. So it's not a case of trying to capitalize on Mila's fame/popularity.

I also heard from somewhere that the poster's like that because the movie was focused on the relationship between the siblings. Yes, true, for 10 minutes. The rest of the movie shows Nabil working, trying to earn a living while fighting with Puteri Sarah.

2) They're trying to do a 'There's Something About Mary' where after a scene, you get a band singing about that particular scene or the protagonist's feelings... but with this movie, Meet Uncle Hussain showed up every other scene and singing... the first couple of times was funny... but after that, it was just too much and some of their appearance seemed forced and a bit off...

3) A lot of scenes don't make sense... seriously a lot... like throughout the movie, not just once in a blue moon... for instance...

The scene in the beginning where Nabil was showering. Meet Uncle Hussain was lounging about outside the toilet as though they were waiting for their turn but after they got doused by Nabil's showerings, they left and then Nabil finished showering and came out to the kitchen of his house. Why would Meet Uncle Hussain be lining up outside then?

The scene where Nabil was left stranded by the side of the road by Natasya (Puteri Sarah). Nabil walked for a long time and was even caught in the rain. He came to a place and he rested for a bit before Natasya came driving by, parked the car and came out in the rain. Supposedly looking for Nabil but could not find him and promptly left. What the? First of, how on earth would she know Nabil went there? He did not stay at the place she left him. And when she got out of the car, she looked right and then left and she drove off. Nabil was right in front of her. There was nothing blocking her view...

Sigh... so many things to nitpick... don't even get me started on how bad the storylines are... I mean, there was no setting up of anything... we are just supposed to assume everything... like the stranded scene... they were at a highway and Nabil wandered into a R&R, so Natasya went there looking for him... this is the director's explanation...

So explain to me this... how did Nabil/Natasya knows how to find each other? It can't be coincidence... everywhere he goes, she can find him... also, how come towards the end of the movie, we were introduced to the father and brother when it was made to look like Nabil was supporting the mother and sister only before?

And how come Nabil suddenly had the ability to play the guitar quite well to join the band? Okay, sure, he was messing around with the guitar in one scene but he did not play anything, just strumming... I mean, he was shown to work at the market plucking chicken, being a despatch boy, selling kuay teow, fixing bikes and everything under the sun but he was not shown being musically gifted...

I think I am getting a headache now... so I'll skip the bad, guess people can already tell the movie has a lot of 'bad' going for it...


Um... well... hmm... kidding... the one thing good about the movie is Nabil. He has some sort of presence about him that's not too bad. I mean, he was the singular thing that was okay in Sifu & Tongga (which was no small feat coz S&T is hands down the worst Malay movie I've seen, second only to Rasukan Ablasa) and he was quite entertaining in his small role in Pisau Cukur.


Can I have my afternoon back please? Just like with Sifu & Tongga, I'd love to ask for my money back from the Prof...

Also, I've heard that Nabil himself had gone on record saying that he was not satisfied with the end product... Two of the stars are not happy... a lot of the other journos were also not happy coming out of the cinema hall... :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Watch "House" Bloopers - Seasons 1-3

One of our favorite shows is back with another round of bloopers!

The following video is of out takes from season one through three - the beginning of the gag reels. Enjoy!

Watch "House" Bloopers - Season One and Two


Chicago 4.3 Earthquake - Update

A 4.3 earthquake shook an area near Chicago Wednesday morning.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake hit near Dekalb, Illinois around 5:00 EST this morning.

Several people from South Bend, Walkerton, Mishawaka, North Liberty, and Bass Lake reported they felt the tremor.

Earthquakes of this size can be felt as far away as sixty miles from where it occurred, but rarely causes damage.

The fault line affected is connected to the New Madrid fault that runs from north of Chicago to south of the St. Lois area.

No damage or injuries have been reported.

Ellen's First American Idol - Video

Ellen DeGeneres was a hit with both fans and contestants last night on her first official appearance on "American Idol"

Internet viewers took to the blogs after the show to lend their support to the fourth, and newest judge.

Last night was Hollywood Week where almost 200 contestants were whittled down to just twenty-four finalists. It was a perfect time to slot in Ellen.

Skeptics grew concerned last year when it was announced the DeGeneres would replace long time judge Paul Abdul. Abdul brought decades of musical experience to the show where Ellen had no formal background.

All-in-all things went well, and FOX is hoping ratings stay strong this year in light of the fact that Simon Cowell will be leaving next.

Several names have been discussed as Simon Cowell replacements - Jamie Foxx, Sirius XM Radio shock jock Howard Stern, and music executive Tommy Mottola. No replacement has been announced yet.

Watch Ellen Degeneres On "American Idol" Hollywood Week


Deadliest Catch Captain Dies - Phil Harris

Bad news being reported this morning - Captain Phil Harris of the hit show "Deadliest Catch" has died.

Harris was rushed to the hospital two weeks ago after a massive stroke in late January, but had been improving over the last week. The actor was 53 years old and died in a hospital in Alaska.

According to the ship's Web site, "Cornelia Marie", Phil Harris began fishing at age seven and started working on the big rigs by age seventeen.

When Harris turned twenty-one he managed a fishing boat out of Seattle, making him one of the youngest captains on the Bering Sea during the lucrative opilio crab season.

Harris' kids released a statement:

"It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our dad, Captain Phil Harris. Dad has always been a fighter and continued to be until the end. For the crew, and us he was someone who never backed down. We will remember and celebrate that strength. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers."

"Deadliest Catch", which has ran for five seasons, is one of the Discovery Channel's most popular hits and portrays the commercial opilio crab fishing industry in the dangerous waters off Alaska.

Watch Captain Phil Harris Take Command Of His Ship Cornelia Marie


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brooklyn Decker Sports Illustrated 2010 Cover - Photo

It is official - model actress Brooklyn Decker, 22, sizzles on the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition's 2010 cover.

Not only has Decker appeared in SI Magazine for the last four years, but she is also an aspiring actress with television appearances on "Ugly Betty", "Chuck", and "Entertainment Tonight".

Decker has already modeled for Victoria's Secret, ELLE, and Gap.

She was born in Kettering Ohio but moved to North Carolina, and is the wife of tennis pro Andy Roddick.

The big reveal came last night on the David Letterman Show.

The magazine officially hits stands February 9 and also includes photos and interviews with Damaris Lewis and last years cover girl Bar Refaeli.

Watch David Letterman Announce Sports Illustrated Cover Brooklyn Decker


Monday, February 8, 2010

Free Dockers Pants Commercial A Smash Hit During Super Bowl

Now that the dust has settled and everybody has had a chance to analyze Sunday's Super Bowl commercials, it looks like there is a clear winner.

Pants maker Dockers and their spot.

Targeting a mans right to wonder around with no pants, and giving him the liberation to shop for what "he" wants, and throwing in a chance for a free pair of pants seemed to be this years winning combination.

Levi's has announced they are giving away thousands of free Dockers pants to customers who visit their website and enter a contest. You can enter here:

Levi's has long used their Dockers brand to change the way casual clothing has been marketed to men. Dockers ushered in the popular "casual Friday's" trend during the 1980's. Knowing that women frequently shop with/for men for pants, the company has reached out to men in an attempt to restore their pride and manhood with the slogan:

"Calling all men, it's time to wear the pants."

Several spots were profiled during the Super Bowl game but the following commercial video was one of the best…. Go men!

Watch The Free Pants Super Bowl Commercial


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Avatar Dethroned

'Dear John' starring Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried, directed by Lasse Halstrom, knocked Avatar off the #1 spot after 7 weeks...

Full story -

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Justin Bieber vs Onion Ring

Just when you thought there was not enough competition in this world, Facebook has announced a new campaign - to get more fans for an onion ring then You Tube and pop music sensation Justin Bieber.

The "Can this onion ring get more fans than Justin Bieber" Facebook page just started today and already has close to two million fans.

Now, we realize this is not an exact science, or a perfect set of quantitative data necessary to extrapolate the merging of some cosmic science. We like to think of it more like a shifting of our most basic ideals and internal desires.

After all, Bieber has only been on the scene for two years, but the onion ring has been around forever - quietly satisfying our deepest carnal desires and providing comfort in the form of unhealthy fatty calories.

Justin Bieber? Not so much.

But now it makes us wonder where this will stop - who will be next?

Obama, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno? There really is no way of stopping this craze - it is destined to make its way through our space, but will soon be a distant memory.

An onion ring. Really?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bad Week For Charley Sheen - Stolen Cars And Federal Charges

Poor Uncle Charley.

This has been a bad week for the "Two And A Half Men" star.

First, an Aspen Colorado court decided that Charley Sheen would, indeed, be charged for his Christmas day domestic violence charges against his wife Brooke Mueller.

Brooke told police the actor held her down while holding a knife to her throat, and a temporary restraining order was filed keeping Charlie away from Brook and their children. They are scheduled to appear Monday to ask for changes that would relax the order.

Sheen will also be charged with felony menacing and misdemeanor assault.

To add to the problems, Brook just spent a month recovering from a life threatening bout of pneumonia and spending a week in rehab.

Second - Charlie's stolen Mercedes SUV was found 400 feet down a cliff after being reported stolen about 5:00 in the morning. The car is totaled and cops were unable to find any trace of a suspect.

Third - Sheen's costar on "Two And A Half Men", Jon Cryer, received death threats at the studio causing an influx of FBI agents and a removal of the studio audience last month. Whew, who says the Hollywood life isn't exciting!

But there may be a glimmer of hope for old Charlie.

His blockbuster movie "Wall Street II - Money Never Sleeps" is scheduled for release in April 2010. The film reunites Sheen's character Bud Fox with original Gordon Gekko co-star Michael Douglas. The twist with this sequel will be the addition of Shia LaBeouf as Jacob Moore.

But there may be a new problem…

This is a different era. Things have changed since the original "Wall Street" hit the big screens. Some critics are suggesting that with the economy in turmoil, this is the worst possible time to introduce a greedy Wall Street movie. Especially with the banking system bonus fiasco still fresh in everyone's mind.

Welcome to Hollywood.

Watch Movie Trailer - Charlie Sheen And Michael Douglass in "Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps"


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jon Stewart Does Bill O'Reilly - Video

It was another match made in heaven for Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" this week. He visited with long time nemesis Bill O'Reilly at FOX.

Stewart has never been a big fan of Fox, frequently jabbing the network for its loose interpretation of the "news", and heavy focus on "opinion".

Last night was no exception. John Stewart accused FOX (and O'Reilly) of causing fear and panic with his coverage of President Barack Obama, and inciting chaos and confusion with the "Tea Parties", and general dislike for anything Democrat.

There was a lot of subtle jabbing during the interview, but a full-blown, knock down drag out never materialized. But it is clear that the two celebrities have little respect for each other, or for what they do.

Our general opinion after watching the interview was simple: Jon Stewart is a cool voice of reason, and Bill O'Reilly is a jerk.

Watch Part One Of The Jon Stewart Bill O'Reilly Interview

Watch Part Two Of The John Stewart Bill O'Reilly Interview


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oscar Nominations

Best Picture
The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

Actor in a Leading Role
Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart”
George Clooney in “Up in the Air”
Colin Firth in “A Single Man”
Morgan Freeman in “Invictus”
Jeremy Renner in “The Hurt Locker”
Actor in a Supporting Role
Matt Damon in “Invictus”
Woody Harrelson in “The Messenger”
Christopher Plummer in “The Last Station”
Stanley Tucci in “The Lovely Bones”
Christoph Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds”
Actress in a Leading Role
Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side”
Helen Mirren in “The Last Station”
Carey Mulligan in “An Education”
Gabourey Sidibe in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”
Meryl Streep in “Julie & Julia”
Actress in a Supporting Role
Penélope Cruz in “Nine”
Vera Farmiga in “Up in the Air”
Maggie Gyllenhaal in “Crazy Heart”
Anna Kendrick in “Up in the Air”
Mo’Nique in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”
Animated Feature Film
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Princess and the Frog
The Secret of Kells
“Avatar” James Cameron
“The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow
“Inglourious Basterds” Quentin Tarantino
“Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Lee Daniels
“Up in the Air” Jason Reitman

Leif Garrett Busted For Drugs - Again

Troubled teen actor Leif Garrett has once again been arrested for drug possession.

Garrett, now 48, was busted for possession of a controlled substance while waiting at a Metrolink station in downtown L.A. on Monday.

Cops say while on a routine patrol they observed the actor acting suspicious, and after a search, found drugs and arrested him.

Leif bonded out by Wednesday and will appear back in court to plead the charges at a later date.

Garrett is no stranger to drugs, cops, or the metrolink.

Back in 2006 he was arrested for riding a train without a ticket. Cops found heroin and quaaludes on his person.

His mug shot and other photos quickly made the rounds adding to his insult.

The former child actor started his career at the age of five and had numerous major film, television roles and hit music singles. By age 17 his troubles began when in 1979, he wrecked his car while drunk.

The accident left his passenger and best friend Roland Winkler a paraplegic.

He continued to struggle with drug abuse over the years, and was arrested for cocaine possession in 2005, before violating his probation resulting in a 90-day jail sentence following his 2006 Metrolink arrest.

Mel Gibson Calls Reporter Asshole - Video

Poor Mel. Always trying to defend his personal demons.

Four years after his run-in with booze and anti-Semitic comments to cops, the actor again had to defend his reputation to the press.

While doing a spot on WGN, Gibson was promoting his latest project "Edge Of Darkness", when the reporter (Dean Richards) stubbornly kept returning to the issues of 2006.

Gibson did a great job keeping his cool and holding his temper until the very end. Richards appeared to sense Mel was getting uptight, and quickly ended the segment.

Watch Mel Gibson Call Reporter An Asshole

In "Edge Of Darkness" Gibson plays Thomas Craven, a homicide detective who investigates the death of his activist daughter, and uncovers her secret life, a corporate cover-up, and government collusion.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Actor Justin Mentell Killed In Car Accident

Wisconsin authorities have reported that "Boston Legal" actor Justin Mentell has died from injuries sustained in a car accident.

Mentell, age 27, died Monday after driving his Jeep off the road and down an embankment while hitting two trees in a remote area of Wisconsin.

He was by himself in the car and was not wearing a seat-belt. The actor was thrown from the car and pronounced dead at the accident scene about 8:30 Monday morning.

Cops believe the accident occurred around 3:00 a.m.

Justin played the role of attorney Garrett Wells on "Boston Legal" from 2005-2006.

Last year, Mentell played Terrell in the fantasy adventure "G-Force" appearing with Sam Rockwell, Will Arnett, Nicolas Cage, Tracy Morgan, Penélope Cruz and Steve Buscemi.

"G-Force" told the story of a specially trained squad of guinea pigs that is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire from taking over the world.