Friday, March 18, 2011

Gary Busey Puts a Little Crazy In Your GPS

For the low, low price of $6.95, you can download Gary Busey's voice for your TomTom or Garmin global positioning system.  That's a heckuva deal!! 
Gary approves!!!
It's slightly scary, like the blind leading the blind, but hey, at least you'll be laughing your arse off when your car speeds off a cliff and bursts into flames!  No complaints here!

Gary Busey's vocal chords are available for download through NavTones, where you can also listen to a sample, in which Gary Busey tells drivers to "honk at geese":
“Hi, my name is Gary Busey and if you ever get bored, just honk at geese.  Even though you don’t see any, just honk at them, like…I’ll give you an example: HOOOONK, HOOOONK, HOOOONK.  I’m not bored, because I’m honking at geese.”
Oh, Gary, you're soooo funny!!! Hardy harr harr.  The only thing that could possibly make this better, is if there were also a download that could give your GPS Gary's teeth and a straight jacket.

If Gary's not quite your cup o' tea, NavTones has a whole slew of crazy celeb voices to choose from, including, but not limited to, FLAVORRRR FLAVVVV!

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