Thursday, March 3, 2011

American Idol: Who's Going Home Tonight (Part 2)


Tatynisa Wilson: Going Home
Rihanna's "Only Girl" was the WORST SONG CHOICE EVER.  I don't think she sang one single not on pitch.  Thanks for ruining a fun song, now you get to go home. 

Naima Adedapo: Going Home (Update: Stayed via WILD CARD)
Lord, bless me!  Those close-ups of your wide-open mouth with those mangled teeth on full display scared the crap outta me!  I don't know if I will ever recover.  You designed your own dress?  Maybe you should have just bought one... I think you're ok, but your style is a little too weird, so I don't think you're going to get enough votes to stay.

Kendra Chantelle: Staying (Update: Went Home)
I thought you did quite well.  And America loves a cute blonde.  You're decently cute, so I think you're staying.

Rachel Zevita: Going Home
The judges thought you were too "Broadway".  Broadway or not, I just don't like you, and I don't think America does either.  Bye!

Karen Rodriguez (aka Mini-J.Lo): Staying
Beautiful.  Just beautiful.  Not only did you sing that song perfectly, you looked pretty good, too.  Not as good as J.Lo, but even J.Lo didn't look as drop-dead gorgeous as J.Lo when she started.

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Lauren Turner: Going Home
You did aight.  But I don't think America is gonna vote for you.  Sorry.

Ashthon Jones: StayingPossible Wild Card
The judges commended your confidence, I might just say you're a little cocky.  But it works well enough for you.  If you don't get the vote, the judges would probably consider saving you. 

Julie Zorrilla: Going Home
I think you're the prettiest girl here, but you're still going home.  Your performance was borderline dreadful, and I think you're a bit confused: American Idol is not the prom.  That hair, that dress - it all just reeks of "Prom Queen". 

Haley Reinhart: Staying
Randy didn't like your performance, but I disagreed.  So did J.Lo and Steven, but we can't usually trust their opinions.  They're much to nice.  In this case though, they were right.  It wasn't karaoke, and I enjoyed it.  You may stay.

Thia Megia: Going Home - Possible Wild Card (Update: Stayed, via Vote)
The judges love you.  I do not.  The judges thought your pitch was right-on.  It most certainly was not.  I hate the way you sing flat, until you hit the vibrato, and then you finally bring the note up to pitch.  Not ok in my book, not ok.  I want you to go home.  We'll have to wait and see on this one though.

Lauren Alaina: Staying
I like you, Lauren.  You're a good singer, and you're so unassuming.  You're cute and fun, so I'll let you stay.

Pia Toscano: Staying
I personally don't think you were that great last night.  Your performance involved a lot of shout-singing towards the end, and it was a bit flat.  But you look really good, and you got a standing ovation, so it looks like you'll be staying.

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