Thursday, March 24, 2011

American Idol: Top 11

This show is torturing me.  Every week, I die a little more inside.  At least I have J.Lo's gorgeous-ness to comfort me as I lay dying.
 Last night, American Idol had Motown night.  Let's get this review over with.
(UPDATE: This was the absolute CRAZIEST American Idol Results show EVER!  It had me literally screaming, crying, and vomiting, all at once!  Voters f***ed up in a big way.  I am still in shock over how it all went down.  At the end of the day, there's good news, and there's bad news...  
Good news: Nobody that I love went home, and all these crazy kids get to go on tour this summer, as the American Idol Top 11, instead of Top 10.   
Bad news: Naima, and her teeth, are still here.   Disgusting.  Just disgusting.)

Casey Abrams: Staying. DUH (Update: Bottom 3 - OH MY GOD!!!! America tried to send this amazingly talented guy home??? Did people just assume that he was safe, and thus decided he didn't need their vote?  THANK GOD the judges saved him.  I am not the least bit surprised that they used their only "save" on Casey. This just goes to prove that I'm right: the people voting for American Idol are all complete morons.)
Do I even need to review his performance?  He's obviously going to win this whole competition, so I see no need to keep dragging this thing out. 

Thia Megia: Staying (Update: Bottom 3.  Thank god, she was finally put in the bottom 3.  I thought she might actually be going home, until the show went completely INSANE)
I still hate her, but this week's performance was an improvement.  UGH.  America just loves her sooo much.  She better keep singing up-tempo songs, because apparently, it's the only way she can hit the proper notes. 

Jacob Lusk: Staying
Lord bless me!  This performance was exactly what he needed to give us.  Such an improvement!  Spot on.  Just great.

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Lauren Alaina: Staying
Great performance!  She's one of my favorite girls.  Actually, she is my favorite girl.  All of the others either completely disgust me, or bore the crap outta me.

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Stefano Langone: Staying (Update: Bottom 3.  When Ryan told Stefano & Casey that they were the Bottom 2, you could see in Stefano's eyes, he was so sure he was going home.  I'm almost glad that Casey was the one with the least votes tonight, because I'm not so sure the judges would've saved Stefano.  This was the craziest AI episode EVER.)
He gives my heart such joy.  He has really hit his stride, and I love him more and more every week.

Side note: I love how he just CANNOT keep those eyes open.  You could tell he was trying, but when his eyes were open, they were still all squinty.  "A" for effort though.

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Haley Reinhart: Bottom 3 GOING HOME (Update: Not Bottom 3 - Staying)
I actually liked her performance this week, but I think America is done with her.  Too bad.

Scotty McCreery: Bottom 3 (Update: Nope, not Bottom 3. But he's still annoying)
I just realized I've been spelling this kid's name wrong all these weeks.  Oh well, serves him right for being such a dbag. 

He turned Motown into Country, and it was just lame.

Pia Toscano: Staying
SO BORING!  She's so boring.  I can't take it anymore!!!!  She might be a talented singer, but I just don't care. 

Also, the violinist in the beginning of her song was TERRIBLE.  I hope they were promptly fired after the show.

Paul McDonald: Staying
I'm so in love with Old McDonald.  The backup singers sucked though.  There's always something. 

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Naima Adedapo: Bottom 3 (Update: Not in the Bottom 3?  WHY doesn't America hate her as much as they should?  She is just beyond terrible, in every way.  STOP VOTING FOR HER JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL BAD THAT SHE'S A JANITOR WITH THE SCARIEST SET OF TEETH IN THE WORLD!!!)
Quit. Just quit it.
Her performance this week was an improvement, and it disgusts me.  She's still a pile of vomit, and I cannot wait until she leaves this show.  Maybe if I say she's going to stay tonight, she'll actually go home.  One can only hope.

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James Durbin: Staying
I really like this kid.  There were a few pitch issues, but I can get over it for now.

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