Thursday, December 10, 2009

Watching Movies

Yesterday, I went to Times Square (and braved the KL jam) to catch Zombieland... which was good, according to the ticket guy at GSC...
And he was right... it was a rockin' good time! They did not really bother explaining the cause of the zombie plague... the movie just dove straight into the story...

It was told from the point of view of Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), a nerdy, thin guy who had survived the zombies by sticking to his rules and on his way back to his home town, hoping that his family was still alive.

Along the way, he met Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), a crazy guy who loves killing zombies way too much and two sisters (Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin) who is still conning, even after humans are almost extinct. The two girls are heading to Pacific Playland in California, supposedly clear of the zombie threat.

That's basically the story. There's no searching for cure or survivors. Or trying to find someone with the key to ending the zombie menace. Nothing like that at all. Just four people trying to survive and heading to California. And killing zombies getting in the way.

This movie reminded me of a lot of monster movies such as:

Planet Terror,

28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks Later)

and of course, the Resident Evil films...

and definitely not this film...

But more closely resembles Planet Terror than the rest because Planet Terror has a dark comedic influence to it. However, Zombieland is a lot more comedic than Planet Terror.

Overall, it's a fun ride and the actors are quite good. Woody Harrelson has always been a joy to watch, ever since Cheers. Jesse Eisenberg plays nerdy to perfection, as evident in Cursed. Abigail Breslin is of course an Oscar nominee for Little Miss Sunshine. Emma Stone is good as well but I can't for the life of me, think of her other movies. She looks like Mila Kunis though, in Max Payne.

Anyway, Zombieland is a good movie to watch to relax, unwind and laugh... on a side note, the censorship is not too bad with this movie... sometimes, a couple of 'F' words go through... :)

Tonite... watching The Storm Warriors at Pavilion...

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