Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best of 2010

I am a movie buff/freak... a buffy movie freak? or a freaky movie buff? hihi... anyways, I watch a lot of movies and I am one of those who like all kinds of movies and would normally enjoy all kinds of movie experiences, unless they are total and complete piece of crap *cough* 2Alam *cough*... so this is a list of the movies I enjoyed most and remembered and would likely to buy the DVD and watch it again and again...
So without further ado... the 10 best movies watched in the cinema in 2010...
Ryan Reynolds, who is normally linked to romance fluff and action movies, did a solid in this one. The movie itself was interesting in its premise and execution...

M Night Shyamalan's redemption after the god-awful The Last Airbender. Again, this movie employed the same claustraphobic element like Buried, but there are other things happening outside of the elevator. Very thrilling and kinda scary...

Two of the funniest actors on TV joining forces for a movie? Sounds great. And the end product was awesomely funny, like one of the episodes of 30 Rock. Tina Fey has always been a goddess to me. Don't like Steve Carell though...

By far, the best of the series, which is a good sign for Part 2 I guess. Story-wise, nothing much has changed, except this movie spends a lot of its time elsewhere ie not in Hogwarts, which I guess is the thrilling part of the movie. The kids are all grown up but they're still kids...

It made you think... and it was utterly original... unlike the sequels, prequels, remakes and revamps that inundated us, especially in the summer... the all-star cast helped...

Some people might be turned off by this movie but I found it to be awesome! Especially Chloe Grace Moretz in a career-defining role as the foul-mouthed kick-ass girl...

Another Chloe Moretz movie... this remake was indeed prettier but it was a bit more solemn and dark too... very nice scares plus the cute romance between the kids...

Will Ferrell normally irritates me and Mark Wahlberg tends to do some overacting, especially after he got his Oscar nomination... what's up with that? Anyway, this movie worked well... funny at times and cute... did I mention funny?

Finally, a movie based on true events that happened in our generation! The Social Network is not just a fluff piece about how Facebook came about. It's very real and human and a good piece of dramatic cinema. Gave us great performances, especially from Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield.

Another Leo DiCaprio movie. This time he reteams with Martin Scorsese and produced another gem. All-star cast too. Quite nice, the mystery and the drama.

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