Monday, April 12, 2010

Semerah Cinta Stilleto

Semerah Cinta Stilleto is a Metrowealth production and is directed by Ahmad Idham, who recently directed the horror movie Niyang Rapik, as well as the comedy hit, Adnan Sempit. In fact, I don't think any other director has a film out this year except for Ahmad Idham. I jest. :P

Stilleto is about two people from opposite sides of the social and financial spectrum, having a chance meeting and falling in love. But not without great obstacles such as parents' disapproval.

Ya know, the classic love story ala Romeo & Juliet. Except Stilleto is not really gonna be a classic and the love story is not as intense.

For all intents and purposes, this is not a bad movie. But it's not particularly good either. It's floating somewhere in between.

Lisa Surihani and Farid Kamil are quite talented I think and this is a walk in the park for them.

Hmm, has anyone noticed that there is a 'Hollywood' trend occurring in our cinemas? Maybe it's just a coincidence... but... Hollywood (and the film studios) always have this ongoing war and they'd produce the same crap, I mean, stories just to compete and see who comes out on top. For example, the year we got Deep Impact, we also got Armageddon. Same no? Asteroids...

This year, we've seen already the Romeo & Juliet story in Lu Pikirlah Sendiri, although I am loathed to even put the two movies in the same sentence... come to think of it, both these movies... Stilleto and Lu Pikirlah Sendiri... have the same themes and storylines... love story, poor guy struggling to make ends meet, rich spoilt princess, chance meeting, conflict, fall in love... although the ending of Stilleto is different... hmm, can't remember the ending of LPS... maybe that's a good thing...

Anyways, looking at it now... this movie has the similar feel of another Ahmad Idham film, Adnan Sempit, with the quirky characters and all... and then Adnan Sempit has several similar stuff with V3... and all these movies are produced or directed by the same people... go figure...

Cast and crew at the media preview at Mines

The director fielding media queries...

Lisa Surihani was surprised with a birthday cake by the cast/crew of the film

Lisa and Farid posing for the paparazzi

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