Monday, November 30, 2009

Review - Planet 51

Over the Raya break, I went back to hometown... the qurban activity was scheduled for Saturday so I decided to go out with them kids to the mall and watch a movie. They wanted to watch 2012 or Astro Boy but I've seen them already.

They haven't seen New Moon but haven't seen Twilight as well... so Planet 51 is the only other option left. We went to East Coast Mall, which has a GSC there... which happens to be my fave cineplex...

Planet 51... Area 51... Get it?
The movie starts out showing a couple getting attacked by aliens. It turned out to be a movie that people are watching. But in fact, these people are aliens... um, guess in their own planet, they would not be considered aliens huh?
Anyway, as with our people, some of them are obsessed with aliens and alien invasions...
One day, an actual alien came down to their planet... only it's not an alien... it's a human... okay, alien to them I guess... so pandemonium erupted and everybody panicked... etc etc etc...
Except for Lem, the main character, who befriended the human and wants to help him go back to his spaceship so that he could return home...
There is also a cute robot who acts like a dog... called Rover, who has an obsession with rocks... I think he was modelled after Wall-E...

Anyway, the movie's entertaining enough... some of the jokes are adult-oriented... the kids did not get it while I was laughing out loud... most animations are like that... the kids only saw pretty fish while we laugh like crazy for the jokes in Finding Nemo...

A decent enough movie to take the kids to during the school holidays... :)

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